When you get stuck in Iraq as a writer, you need something to push you forward in your writing, to challenge you when you are not writing. I’m really glad that once a month I can submit my writing to some professional writers.
I have not been writing my book lately and some of that is because of my life group and other things going on. But some of it is because I have stalled in what I want to focus on in my book at the moment. I told you last week that I was working on the table of contents and organizing the book.
I have done thatm extremely busy this past week. But since the submission window is open on Friday for one week, I need to do some writing to submit from the book. I’m trying to focus on getting some of the devotional pieces of the book ready. The Lord’s Supper is full of great devotional content.
I just have to figure out which part to write about next and submit to these professional editors. Hopefully I cut my with something before the submission window closes. I have really enjoyed hearing their comments and insights, their thoughts and impressions of my work. I think it will make the book all that much more better.
I am also toying with the idea of having early beta readers to give me an impression of the book that they receive from reading through it. The book is designed mainly for pastors but it would be beneficial to any Christian interested in the Lord’s Supper and learning more about it that you don’t hear very often.
If you are interested or think your pastor should be involved in the process with me, please let me know by commenting below. This is just beginning to be a thought because so much of the book is that unwritten and I need to get a vast majority of the written before I can open it to the readers. But maybe you can be thinking about it in the meantime. That’s really all I have for now. I have kept up with writing other things like my blog posts and serious. It’s just that I haven’t been writing in my book the way it should be. Everyone needs a push to be more productive now and then. What’s something you are working on that you need a push to get moving in?
Image by No-longer-here from Pixabay