It’s hard for me to accept a season that means shifting priorities for at least a time. I like to think I can keep up by writing in all my different projects, but certain seasons of my life make it impossible to do that.
Are you the same way? I already know I put too much on my plate. What I didn’t calculate for rightly was working on a book while I am maintaining my blog, my series, and preparing for my life group. All that put together is the perfect storm tonight get to my book most days.
I’ve been fighting for the last two weeks. But I’m realizing it is not a fight I can win with everything else going on. My priorities have slightly shifted for a time. The nice thing is that both my Greek classes are finished now.
I’d like to keep working on everything without a break but that is not feasible either. The body is not designed to run all the time. It needs rest. The mind is no different. My writing is no good if I do not stop and relax. I am able to keep up with everything but the book flight now. That tells me I have reached a lid on my writing projects.
I’m still learning how to do this. I have forgotten that fighting is writing and if I have for writing projects, that’s a lot of writing for my brain to handle. Even if it switches gears to write on a different subject or in a different way.
My writing lid for right now is the blog and the BIG series. Any writing beyond that is icing on the cake. My life group this time is doing really good job. I’m enjoying reading it and one from others on the subject of Living in the Last Days. You should check it out! That’s all for me for now. I will keep you updated on all my progress and hopefully be able to encourage you as you encourage me. Some people talk about my writing with. Most of them enjoy it very much. So with that said, I’m signing off for now.