You can know the healing promises of the Bible but not know how to pray Bible promises for healing. We need to combine Bible promises for healing with how to pray for them.
In my last post, I talked about what God promises about healing in the Bible. In this post, I describe how we use the promises for healing in the Bible to pray for it in our own lives.
The power of God’s healing promises is that He is behind them. He gives us the faith to believe for healing. He has the power to heal any affliction. When we read the words of Scripture about healing and see examples of how God healed in the past, it gives us the faith to see God do it in our bodies today.
I talked mainly about God’s healing name and promise in Exodus 15 where it all began but there are other places where the Bible shows promise and faith in healing. We will look at some of those in this post and how to pray for our healing based on these Scriptures.
Read More in Healed in the Name of Jesus!
Read more of my story of paralysis in my book<br>and get a clear picture of how I eat my faith in God’s <br>healing promises until I see Him do it for me.
Get the BookPraying in Faith
Faith is a core component of seeing prayers answered for our healing. We talk about the prayer of faith from James 5 often and it specifically deals with prayer for healing. I will be covering it in detail in a later post.
Even when you look at the healing Jesus does in the Gospels, anyone can see that Jesus seeks faith from people. It is not absolutely necessary as we will see. Some people are healed despite the doubts they have. More often than not, faith is a key to healing.
When we show trust in God to do what is impossible from our perspective, God delights to grant healing by His power. We must believe in the promises God gives us. We must read about the healing of others and let it boost our faith to see the same happen for us.
You have unshakable faith in God’s promises, His Word, and His power demonstrated repeatedly through the Bible, you have everything you need to see your healing happen. I think we make it harder than it needs to be.
Let’s take something head on I see happen a lot. People have all the faith of the world to see their healing, get out of there seat at church and had to the altar for prayer. But if they are not healed, they lose hope and a little of faith.
They start asking questions about why God didn’t heal them. Perhaps they even go down the road of wondering if God wants to heal them or has power to heal. The Bible doesn’t explain why people don’t get healed. It is not a book about explaining why God didn’t. It is a book of faith that God will do something.
I’m not saying God will heal every time. God’s ways are mysterious. I’m saying we don’t go to the Bible to find out the reasons God doesn’t heal us. We go to the Bible to have it bolster our faith that God will do what He has promised and done before many times.
Praying God’s Name and Promise
I talked about God’s name and first promise to the Israelites in the place they named Mara. The water was bitter and probably causing sickness for those who tried it. Instead of trusting faith that God would provide, they complained to Moses escape.
It’s easy for us to complain when we are not healed. We may even forget God’s promises for healing and His power to back them up. God’s promises are not like other people’s promises. God does not fail, and He does not promise something He cannot do. He will not let you down.
Exodus 15 is where God declared His name as Yahweh Rapheka, the Lord your healer. It is the place he promised the Israelites that if they would listen to His voice, do what was right, and obey His commands, He would not put the diseases of the Egyptians upon them, which they saw with their own eyes (Exodus 15:16). Right after that, He declared Himself their Healer.
Can you hear the same thing the Israelites heard that day from God? In your own “bitter water” situation, can you trust in the name and promise of God for your healing? God has great things in store for you. Put your faith in Him always and often. Even if it doesn’t happen right away, or maybe a few times you pray, do not quit on God. He won’t quit on you.
Worship Connects to Your Healing
God calls the Israelites to worship and serve Him alone, to not follow idols, and He will take sickness away from them (Exodus 23:25). He further promises that none-will miscarry or be barren in the land as long as they worship and serve Him (Exodus 23:26).
We I mean we discussing prayers you can pray based on God’s promises. But it must be said that worship is just as powerful as prayer for healing. The words “worship” and “serve” are so closely related in Hebrew language that you can consider both for your healing. Serve the Lord while you are waiting on your healing. Worship the Lord at every turn in your life, and you will see God’s power.
Worship and service to the Lord can be another avenue for your healing. Your faith in the Lord does not wain no matter what your circumstance. Thank the Lord for your healing even before it happens.
Praying from the Psalms
The Psalms are full of great promises for healing to pray. Going in order, start with Psalm 41:3-4. It says the Lord sustains a person on their sickbed and He returns you from your sickness to full health. We see another connection between sin and sickness in the next verse. God heals us even if we have sinned against Him. In the meantime between your praying and healing, God is sustaining you.
Psalm 91 has powerful verses pertaining to healing. Protects you from deadly pestilence (Psalm 91:3, 6). No plague will come near you (Psalm 91:10). God heals your prayer and is with you in all your trouble (Psalm 91:14-15).
Psalm 103:5 calls on us to bless the Lord and forget none of his benefits, of which one of them is that He heals your disease. This is why it is important to thank the Lord for healing even before it comes. We bless the Lord because of all His goodness toward us.
Psalm 107 gives us even more reason to trust in God’s promises. When you cry out to the Lord, He hears you, sends His word, and heals your disease, delivering you from destruction (Psalm 107:19-20). How can we resist from praising God? Pray these Bible promises for your affliction.
Praying from the Prophets
We see God’s healing power and words throughout the prophets. You can ask God to ask you to restore you to health and God will deliver you from death (Isaiah 38:16-17). The Lord gives strength to the faint and raises them up on wings like eagles’ (Isaiah 40:29-30).
While Isaiah is prophesying about Jesus on the Cross, he gives us the promise that Jesus went to the Cross and endured God’s punishment for sin for our healing (Isaiah 53:4-5). God promises to heal Israel despite his ways (Isaiah 57:18-19). God’s power in His healing overcomes the way word heart.
Jeremiah speaks out in faith and says, “Heal me, and I will be healed” (Jeremiah 17:14). What a powerful declaration of faith we can all proclaim. After God brings His judgment on the city, He then promises to bring healing and prosperity back to it (Jeremiah 33:6).
Hosea presents the same scenario, that the Lord will strike down in His judgment, but then He will raise the people up and will heal them (Hosea 6:1-2). Finally, Malachi brings the promise that for those who fear the name of the Lord, the sun of righteousness will arise with healing in its wings (Malachi 4:2). Pray these Bible promises and Scriptures as you ask for healing and see God do great things in your life.
Praying for Your Healing
In light of all these promises and Scriptures in the Old Testament for God’s healing, let me pray for you and me.
Lord Jesus, You know Your timing. You know when You will heal my brother and sister in Christ. You sustain us in the meantime. You show yourself faithful in more ways than we can count. We are trusting in You for our complete healing. We know You will do it. Give us faith in the meantime as You show Yourself faithful in myriad of ways. We thank You before hand for the healing we know You will do. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.
Up Next
Now that we have discussed praying for healing based on the promises we see in the Old Testament, we will talk about how God healed people in the Old Testament.