December 15 | Luke 1:35

“And the angel answered, and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come to you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the one being born will be called holy, the Son of God” (Luke 1:35)
People throw around the phrase, “It’s a Christmas miracle,” too much. Jesus’s birth is the true Christmas miracle. No scholar or preacher can understand, let alone explain it. The Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary so Jesus would be divine and human. We must not make light of this sacred and holy moment, this impossible action of God.
How can God make a virgin conceive without knowing a man? How can her child be both divine and human? Overshadow is a word used only of God’s presence in the New Testament. The other two times God overshadows people are at the Jesus’s baptism and the Transfiguration.
The one time the Old Testament uses this word is for the cloud of God’s presence resting so heavily on the tent of meeting that Moses could not enter. Yet this powerful Presence, this weighty glory rested on Mary and produced Jesus, the divine King.
The mysteries of God are too high to comprehend! This miracle of Christmas brought the Savior of your soul. God did the impossible to bring His Son to rescue you from eternal death and condemnation. He did the impossible to bring His Son to earth, and He does the impossible to make you His child.
Action Step: God moved heaven and earth to bring Jesus to you. Thank Him for this Christmas miracle. He brought His peace to you today!
Thank You, Father, for bringing Jesus and Your salvation to me. I celebrate the birth of my Lord and King. I can never repay you for this Christmas miracle, bringing Your Son to me and making me Your child.