is partially funded by affiliate relationships. However, I always have and will continue to only personally recommend or endorse something if I feel that it would be of value to my readers. If I find a product or service that has helped in my ministry, writing, or blogging journey I will let you know about it. If a product or tool isn’t worth it I will tell you as well. The purpose of endorsing products or services is for your benefit, not mine. I will tell you about great or interesting products and services that I find regardless of whether I receive any compensation from them.
That said, there are times when I am already talking about or recommending a product that offers a referral program. When I find this to be the case I create an affiliate relationship with that company and then receive compensation for referrals. But to reiterate, I will never endorse a product or service that I don’t believe will help my readers regardless of compensation.
Some examples of Affiliate relationships that help fund this site are… Literature & Latte, Amazon, Faithlife, and others. Each one of them are Products or Services and referral programs that I recommend and use. I can help my readers by pointing them to good resources and tools and help fund in the process.
On the other hand when my opinions about products change I let it be known (knowing full well that it will reduce compensation). I am well aware that earning the trust of my readers is far more valuable than the commission from a few affiliate sales.
Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.