We’ve been gleaning life lessons from Abraham, and this time, when Abraham meets with God. This is a special time when the Lord physically comes to Abraham and Sarah in preparation for a year from now when Sarah will bear Isaac. Last time we discussed how Abraham tried to make…
God’s covenant with Abraham was already in motion when Abraham tries to fulfill God’s promise by himself. Of course, he had some help. In the last issue, we discussed God’s covenant with Abraham and how God promised to give him an heir through Sarah and land for his descendants. But…
I took a small detour from Life Lessons from Abraham to talk about Life Lessons from Lot, but now that we’re back on Abraham’s life, we will be talking about God’s covenant with Abraham. You can also go back to the last issue on Abraham’s life. In this issue, we…
Volume 1: God, Creation, and the Fall Issue 1: In the Beginning Issue 2: From Chaos to Order Issue 3: Forming and Filling the Earth Issue 4: Bearing the Image of God Issue 5: The Seventh Day of Creation Issue 6: Creating Man and Woman Issue 7: The Trap and…
In the last issue for volume 5, we will discuss Lot’s daughters and how they reacted to the destruction of Sodom. We have been talking about the life lessons we can learn from Lot and we will see how we cannot be oblivious to the results of our choices or…
We’ve been learning life lessons from Lot and we notice Lot’s salvation before destruction. Unfortunately for Lot, most of the lessons he teaches us are negative ones. Although he is righteous, Lot lacks wisdom and is caught in many compromising situations. In my last issue on Lot’s life, I described…
In Volume 4 Issue 4, I wanted to take a break to talk about Lot and how his story impacts our lives. He was a lot of trouble to Abraham and we will see in this issue why that is. Lot was Abraham’s nephew. His father passed away before Abraham…
In this issue, we see Abraham as the man God blesses when he is a man of war, a generous person, and an intercessor for his nephew Lot. Every Christian man can learn from his example and become more like him. In the last issue, I showed you how Abraham…
In this issue, we want to look at Abraham’s God-given prosperity and how it differs from our last issue where I described Abraham’s manufactured prosperity. This will be a completely different story than the last. Abraham and Lot experience such prosperity that they cannot handle it. They get too big…
You could consider this part one of two. We will see Abraham's manufactured prosperity in Egypt in this issue, and in the next issue, you will see God-given prosperity. In my last issue, I opened up our character study on Abraham by talking about why he is considered the father…