
Upcoming Events

  • March 23 – Preaching at Hollentown Assembly of God

Welcome to the website for all my ministries including preaching, books, blogging, devotionals, Bible studies, and much more.

I've been a quadriplegic since 2013, but I want to encourage you through everything you view on this site. Please enjoy everything here, and contact me if I can help you in any way. Blessings!

I also have tips and reviews for writers. Maybe God is calling you to write a book. If that's the case, you can follow my Author News, reviews on books on writing, and reviews of writing software. If I can help you become an author, please reach out to me!

Content Schedule

​More content coming in March

Pathways to Spiritual Growth in Christ Checklist
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Check Out My Latest Book!

You've been reading my Daily Devos for a couple of years. But now you can carry them with you in a book! And there's 70 new holiday devotions you haven't read that are in this book. Pick up your copy today

What's New?

I'm adding content from my former ministry website like sermons, Bible studies, and other content. This will take a while to get everything that and in one place.

I'm working on editing my devotional book soon available on all your favorite book sellers.

I'm working on several writing projects at the same time and one editing project. I'll keep you posted when these books will be published and available.

Affiliate Partner Disclosure

Jonathansrock.com is partially funded by affiliate relationships. However, I always have and will continue to only personally recommend or endorse something if I feel that it would be of value to my readers. If I find a product or service that has helped in my ministry, writing, or blogging journey I will let you know about it. If a product or tool isn’t worth it I will tell you as well. The purpose of endorsing products or services is for your benefit, not mine. I will tell you about great or interesting products and services that I find regardless of whether I receive any compensation from them.

Some examples of Affiliate relationships that help fund this site are… Literature & Latte, Amazon, Faithlife, and others. Each one of them are Products or Services and referral programs that I recommend and use. I can help my readers by pointing them to good resources and tools and help fund Jonathansrock.com in the process.