How Does the New Testament Describe Healing?

How Does the New Testament Describe Healing?

The New Testament deals with healing in a different way than the Old Testament. We will look at how the New Testament describes healing and how it is different from the Old Testament.

In my last post, I talked about repeating Old Testament healing miracles in the New Testament. In this post, I want to describe how the New Testament addresses healing.

For anyone who doesn’t believe Jesus still heals today, our study of the New Testament and how it describes healing will show us that Jesus is still doing these miracles today. They will build our faith to see Him heal today.

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Healings in Multiple New Testament Books

If you read about Jesus’s healings in the Gospels, it looks like He did a lot of repeated miracles. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke have a lot of the same material. They are called the synoptic Gospels. They are similar.

You can use a resource called a Harmony where scholars have tried to find out what material from each of the Gospels is the same. It helps you to see miracles that are told by the Gospels. But that doesn’t lessen the incredible healing ministry Jesus had.

I will try to point out when a miracle is recorded in different Gospels by giving you the references for all the occurrences of the same miracle in the Gospels.

Healing in the Gospels in the New Testament

When Jesus came on the scene and began his ministry in the Gospels, He did miracles never thought of before. His healing ministry accompanied His message that the Kingdom of God has arrived. Preaching the gospel and healing people are linked.

The message of the good news about Jesus was not complete without healing. He had a holistic ministry of ministering to spiritual and physical needs. Take, for instance, Mark 1:14-34. In rapid succession, we see Jesus begin His ministry of preaching the good news, delivering a person from a demon, and healing the sick.

You cannot separate the good news of the gospel from the deliverance of people from demonic influences and healing them from their bodily diseases. The good news of God’s Kingdom arriving is that there is freedom from everything that plagues us.

As we go through the healing miracles of Jesus in the Gospels, do not forget that as much as our souls are saved into God’s Kingdom we also can receive healing Jesus has paid for and be delivered of any spiritual forces that are not from God.

Jesus Heals in Dynamic Ways in the New Testament

We will see Jesus do some weird stuff in the Gospels. He will spit on the ground, make mod, and put it on blind eyes. He will even do one progressive miracle we will talk about later. He will heal entire multitudes.

Nothing like these miracles has ever been seen in the Old Testament. He will heal everything from a fever to raise people from the dead. He will give authority to preach the gospel and heal people to His disciples. Truly we can see the breaking out of God’s Kingdom in Jesus’s ministry.

The best part is Jesus is not done healing people. He is alive today and we can cry out to Him for healing today and He will do it. The freedom and deliverance Jesus did in the past is still active today. He is healing through His people even now.

Jesus’s Body Continues Healing in Acts in the New Testament

Some people don’t believe Jesus still heals today. The book of Acts proves them wrong. Jesus was crucified, dead, and buried in a tomb. Three days later, He rose from the dead. Then He spent forty days with His disciples and empowered them to continue His earthly ministry.

The book of Acts records the powerful ministry of Jesus continued through His disciples. We call them apostles because Jesus sent them into the world to continue preaching the good news of God’s Kingdom revealed and active.

We see the same things in Acts with the apostles that we saw with Jesus in the Gospels. The apostles are preaching the good news, healing the sick, and delivering people from demons. The same power Jesus demonstrated in the Gospels is available to the apostles.

Don’t miss this – the book of Acts is still active today. When you go to the last chapter of Acts, it seems to end suddenly. It’s like a TV series that ends with the actors continuing to do the same things they do throughout the series. The messages that what happens in Acts continues to happen beyond the Ministry of the first disciples of Jesus.

Jesus is still ministering through His people today. The message of the good news continues to go forth. People continue to be delivered from demons as Jesus sets them free. Those two things are still happening, and so are healing miracles.

People continue to be healed from their sicknesses as a sign of Jesus’s power and holistic ministry. It’s a lie of the devil that Jesus doesn’t still heal today.

Signs That Show Jesus As Messiah in New Testament Healings

The prophets from the Old Testament saw that the Messiah, God’s Anointed One, would do great things. He would do greater things than had ever been seen before. Jesus came on the scene and did exactly that.

He is greater and stronger than anyone has ever been in history. There’s nothing that stands in the way of God’s Kingdom through Jesus. You can trust Jesus will come through for you. There is nothing beyond His power.

Jesus proved through His Kingdom ministry that He is the Messiah proclaimed in the Old Testament Prophets. Jesus works through our faith. He takes that tiny seed of trust and rewards it by answering our prayers and continuing to build our faith.

Jesus fulfilled every Old Testament prophecy about Him. This has been researched and studied for a long time. People who study Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah and look at Jesus’s ministry in the New Testament become convinced He is the Messiah.

You can trust in Jesus’s ministry for today. He is still healing, moving, and blessing people. Why not you? Why not me? Those are questions that build our faith. As we study the Gospels and Acts, what the apostles wrote about in their letters – they are faith builders for us today! We can be as sure about physical healing as we are about salvation.

Praying for Your Healing

Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son to save our souls, deliver our spirits, and heal our bodies. I ask in the mighty name of the great Physician Jesus for my brother and sister in Christ and their healing today. We know You are still doing great miracles of healing today. Lord, increase our faith! We want to see things You have never done before in us. As we see You do these great things in our bodies and lives, we will give You the glory and praise all our days. In the powerful and miracle working name of Jesus, Amen.

Up Next

We have seen how the New Testament describes healing. It gives us faith to see Jesus do mighty works of healing in our lives today. Next, we will dive in to the New Testament healings for women.

Image by digitlchic from Pixabay

Jonathan Srock

Rev. Jonathan Srock is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2010. He received two Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Languages and Pastoral Ministries, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Jonathan was privileged to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Shillington, PA for five years before suffering sudden paralysis in 2013. Jonathan has been a Christian since 1988.

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