How Jesus Healed People with Demons in the Bible

How Jesus Healed People with Demons in the Bible

Many modern readers of the Bible do not understand how Jesus healed people with Demons. The word for healing does not seem to fit the same idea of casting demons out of people. I will to take a closer look at this phenomenon in the Gospels and Acts.

In my last post, I concluded a two-part series on how Jesus healed blind people. In this post, I will take on question about how healing is connected with demonic activity.

Anyone who reads the Gospels and Acts may find it curious that words of healing often describe exorcisms, or the casting out of demons. Why is this? You would think they would be two different things. But not according to the writers of the New Testament.

As Jesus was bringing God’s Kingdom to earth, inaugurating it and paying for it with His blood, possession and oppression, demonization of people becomes more prevalent. You do not see it much in the Old Testament.

Demons who had taken a foothold in the world prior to Jesus’s arrival suddenly find themselves against a force they cannot handle. As Jesus took back ground from the enemy, He destroyed their ability to oppress and abuse people. It is part of His authority and demands on the kingdom of darkness. Let’s first look at instances where the words for healing describe casting out and then I will show you why the New Testament uses words of healing for casting out demons.

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Casting out As Healing People with Demons

As we began our study on Jesus healing people With demons, we first come to two places where Jesus casts out demons along with healing the sick. First are the general instances of Jesus healing the sick and casting out demons talked about by the Gospels as a singular event.

These places in the Gospels refer to Jesus doing multiple things but use the word “heal” for everything He did there (Matthew 4:24-25; Mark 3:7-12; Luke 6:17-19). The Gospel writers describe Jesus healing those afflicted with various sicknesses and pains, oppressed by Demons, seizures, paralytics, and those with unclean spirits.

Although there were numerous diseases and sicknesses, along with people with depression from Demons and unclean spirits, Matthew and Luke use words for healing. Matthew uses the word from which we get therapy.

Luke uses the same word as Matthew four curing or therapy (Luke 6:18) and twice uses another word for healing meaning to heal, cure, or restore (Luke 6:18, 19). These words refer to more specific processes of curing and restoring health and spiritual health.

We find the same thing happening in Capernaum in the evening (Matthew 8:16-17; Mark 1:31-34; Luke 4:40-41). This time, Matthew, Mark, and Luke all referr to casting out demons and healing sicknesses as one fluid motion. They use the same word for therapy or cure.

Whether the first or second example, the Gospel writers have no trouble talking about healing of diseases and casting out demons in the same breath. In the first example, they seem to use the word for healing when referring to casting out demons.

Jesus Healed a Blind and Mute Man with a Demon

As we keep studying how Jesus healed people with demons, let’s go next to a place where Matthew records that Jesus healed a man with a demon that made a man blind and mute (Matthew 12:22-24). People brought this man to Jesus and Jesus healed them.

Matthew uses the word for therapy or cure here. We can see closer connection between healing and casting out demons because this demon caused the man to be blind and mute. When Jesus took the demon away, the man could now see and speak.

Jesus Healed a Desperate Woman’s Daughter from Demons

Jesus rarely traveled into highly Gentile areas but one of those times He does, a desperate Gentile woman, referred to as the Syrophoenician is the daughter who is oppressed by a demon (Matthew 15:21-28; Mark 7:24-30). The woman begged Jesus to heal her daughter.

Jesus practically ignores this Gentile woman the whole time she is trying to talk to Him. He doesn’t want to do anything for her. This seems strange to us today because we know Jesus listens to anyone who cries out to Him.

Because she is so desperate and persistent, Jesus finally tells her she has great faith and that He will make her daughter well. Though her daughter is oppressed by a demon, Matthew uses the word for healing that conveys healing, curing, and restoring.

Jesus Healed a Demons Possessed Boy with Epilepsy

In another instance of Jesus healing people with demons, a father comes and bakes for Jesus’s help with his demon-possessed boy (Matthew 17:14-21; Mark 9:14-29; Luke 9:37-43). The father says his son has epilepsy and that the demon often makes him fall into fire and water.

This shows the true nature of demons, that they don’t care about those they oppress. No mention is made of the demon until Jesus rebukes it. When He does, the Gospel writers use the word for therapy or curing.

Healing Accompanies Casting out Demons

Our study of Jesus healing people with demons leads us next to Acts, where Jesus does His ministry through the apostles and Church. It is a continuation of His ministry in the Gospels. Acts 8:6-7 tells us that when Philip went to Samaria, he was casting out demons and healing people.

While Luke records the healing of people and the casting out of demons separately, they are within the same verse. This means writers of the New Testament considered them the same type of activity.

Why Describe Casting out As Healing?

Now that I have described each of the accounts of Jesus healing people with demons, I want to explain why the Gospel and Acts writers often combined healing of sickness with casting out demons.

We have seen some accounts where demons affected people by giving them afflictions such as epilepsy, blindness, and the inability to speak. Demon possession has manifested in the sicknesses. Jesus recognized Jesus does a complete work this and do something about it.

Two cast out a demon was to take away the symptoms of sicknesses. This has actually caused quite a stir in some liberal theologians who believe Jesus did not cast out demons but merely healed people. That is not what the Bible says.

We will see another word used by the Bible when it talks about healing in other situations. It is the word for salvation, healing, and deliverance. When Jesus came and inaugurated the Kingdom, He took care of everything in our lives that hinder us from experiencing His full Kingdom. Jesus does a complete work in us.

He is making us new creatures and that includes saving our souls, healing our bodies, and delivering us from evil things in our spirits. That’s why Jesus healed people when He cast out demons. Everything Jesus did for everybody was just further evidence that He is the Messiah God sent.

Praying for Your Healing

Christians cannot be demon possessed but we can be bothered by demons in others as Paul was in Acts. I want to pray for your healing and your ministry to others who may be demon possessed.

Mighty Lord Jesus, we have been studying how You healed people who were oppressed and possessed by demons. I pray for my brother and sister in YouU that You would empower them to cast out demons and bring Your healing to others around them. I believe you minister to us as we minister to others in Your name. Continue Your healing in our bodies and lives as we serve others and bring Your healing to this world. In the glorious, authoritative name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Up Next

Now that we have seen how demonic possession was dealt with in Jesus’s ministry, we will next look at Jesus’s favorite time to heal people –the Sabbath.

Image by elHelfer from Pixabay

Jonathan Srock

Rev. Jonathan Srock is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2010. He received two Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Languages and Pastoral Ministries, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Jonathan was privileged to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Shillington, PA for five years before suffering sudden paralysis in 2013. Jonathan has been a Christian since 1988.

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