11 Helpful Bible Research and Resource Websites

I’m always on the lookout for more helpful Bible research and resource websites that can help me find out what I need to know about the Bible and Christianity. These are some resources you may want to take away in your bookmarked pages for further use.

In my last review, I looked at 6 Free Bible Study Resource Websites That Will Save You Time. In this review, I want to take a look at research websites that may help you find what you’re looking for.

This will be the last of my reviews of online Bible study tools because I think I have found just about everything out there for now. If I find more helpful websites and Bible resources, I will make more of these reviews.

Sometimes it’s hard to find just what would you are looking for. Without powerful Bible software, you may be somewhat limited on the web. Following are 11 helpful Bible research and resource websites I have discovered that may be just what you need.

Precept Austin

Precept Austin is a helpful research and Bible resource website you might want to look into. It is a website devoted to helping women run by a woman named Tammy Pittsley. It has a blog, recess for building your faith, family, and home. She also offers educational resources.

Precept Austin – Helpful Research and Bible Resource Websites

Precept Austin has many things to offer. If you especially need encouragement and resources for living the Christian life, this is a great website to check out.

Christians United Bible Study Aids

Christians United Online Bible Study Aids offers many resources. All of them are accessible from this website and they are all online resources. I can say I have seen many of these resources elsewhere, though.

Christians United Bible Study Aids

On this one page alone, you can access 7 online Bible versions, 6 Bible commentaries, 3 works in Christian history, Easton’s Bible Dictionary, 2 Bible concordances, a good number of devotionals, 4 biographies, and 2 authors in Christian writing. There are some resources I see here that I don’t see very often in any of my other reviewed websites.

Institute for Christian Leadership Literature Guide

If you’re looking for Christian leadership helps, check out the Institute for Christian Leadership Literature Guide. It is not a fancy website but has a minimalist text-based offering. That does not mean it’s offerings are not valuable.

Institute for Christian Leadership Literature Guide – Helpful Research and Bible Resource Websites

It offers a large list of online-accessible Bibles (in multiple languages), Bible study aids including commentaries, dictionaries, Greek/Hebrew Bibles, and other various resources, and the numerous amount of books (individual titles), and collections of books.

There are a number of books and resources on this website. Do well to check them out and see if there is not something you could use or would interest you for your studies.

Emporia Church Of God Study Resource Links

Another helpful research and Bible resource website is Emporia Church Of God Study Resource Links. This website has a number of resources similar to what I’ve already reviewed in the past. It does have some that I have not seen before, though.

Emporia Church Of God Study Resource Links

It would be worth a look to see if you find something here I have not already reviewed. You never know what you will find on these websites with lists of resources. Take a look and see if you find something you’re looking for that you haven’t found yet.

The Gospel Coalition

You might already be aware of The Gospel Coalition. Its focus is more theology -related, and it relies heavily on Reformed theology. But a lot of the resources can be useful to anyone who is interested in theology.

The Gospel Coalition – Helpful Research and Bible Resource Websites

You will see the categories of what they are from the left side of the website. You can study church history, biblical studies, &the Old Testament, the New Testament, pastoral theology, Bible doctrines, practical theology, and public theology.

There is so much under those headings that I don’t have space to fully detail the website in this review. You can find a lot to study from The Gospel Coalition, and it might be a website you find useful for your studies.

The Spoken Gospel

The Spoken Gospel is a helpful research and Bible resource website that helps you understand what you are reading in the Bible and how it connects to everything else. I have never come across this website before but they offer Bible studies for every book of the Bible.

The Spoken Gospel – Helpful Research and Bible Resource Websites

These resources include an introduction video book and then further resources and commentary to help you understand that book in light of who Jesus is. It is an intriguing website and I will definitely take a closer look to see what all they offer.

Spurgeon Gems

One of the arguably greatest preachers is Charles Spurgeon, and you can get some of his greatest quotes from Spurgeon Gems. This helpful research and Bible resource website that is exactly what it appears to be – the largest repository of Charles Spurgeon’s ministry.

Spurgeon's Gems

It offers his sermons, audio of his works, books, prayers, and quotes. You can also find many of these resources in Spanish. Because he was a preacher in the 19th century, many of his works and ministry efforts are available for free. He is known as the “Prince of Preachers” for good reason.

Ray Stedman

Ray Stedman offers some helpful research and Bible resource materials on his website. The website offers an overview of the Bible, studies in themes of the Bible, the Old Testament, and the New Testament.

Ray Stedman – Helpful Research and Bible Resource Websites

I have not looked extensively at the offerings of this website but it looks like something that could be useful. As with every website I review, you should go and look it over yourself see if it has ministries and information that will be helpful to you.

Resource Pages for Biblical Studies

Another helpful research and Bible resource website is Resource Pages for Biblical Studies. This is a page that links you to scholarly material on New Testament, Josephus, Philo, the New Testament Apocrypha, and other key writings of the Bible.

Resource Pages for Biblical Studies

If you are studying any of these areas and Bible college or seminary, this is a perfect page for you to start from. I’m using it myself in my own seminary and Bible studies. It seems perfect for one of my projects. Perhaps it is a helpful research and Bible resources website for you.

Two helpful Research Features

I want to leave you with some helpful research features you can use what you can find what you’re looking for. Sometimes the best thing you could do is find what you are looking for in your search engine. I know these two search options work with Google.

The first helpful research resource I can give you is something you can type into Google that gives you available PDFs that are free to download. These PDFs will have something about the subject you type in after you typeFiletype” before your subject.

For instance, if you are wanting to know something about Bible promises, try typing Filetype Bible promises. You will get a list of PDFs you can download that will talk about Bible promises somewhere in their document. You can also type them what you are looking for and then add “.pdf” after it. This will also give you PDFs you can download.

My second helpful research resource is especially helpful for people in the Bible college or seminary. If you haven’t heard of Google Scholar before, you may want to go there and check it out. Google Scholar gives you more scholarly material to search through.

You will not get your typical searches that scour Internet webpages. Instead, it searches the web for dissertations, thesis papers, and other scholarly material. You can use it for everything from researching possible thesis and dissertation papers to just learning about more scholarly things about the Bible.

Final Thoughts

So, here are 11 helpful research and Bible resource websites that you can check out for yourself. I found some surprising nuggets I have not been before, like the Spoken Gospel website as well as Institute for Christian Leadership Literature Guide.

There are some repeat resources on these websites, but can take those and see if there’s anything new you haven’t seen already. I highly recommend you check these resources out and see what they offer that you cannot find anywhere else on the web.

Check out my other reviews of Online Bible Study Tools:

Jonathan Srock

Rev. Jonathan Srock is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2010. He received two Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Languages and Pastoral Ministries, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Jonathan was privileged to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Shillington, PA for five years before suffering sudden paralysis in 2013. Jonathan has been a Christian since 1988.

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