This series is all about studying divine healing in the Bible. The Bible is an uncanny book that calls you to believe in God and His incredible miracles. One type of those miracles is healing. I wrote a book about healing and included much of my story in it.
The problem with books is that you can only pack them full of so much. I have wanted to blog about divine healing in the Bible since I was in the middle of that book project. I had decisions to make, like whether I should write more about my story or about the evidence for biblical healing. I tried to write about both but inevitably, you cannot include all the material you study or the whole story of your own healing process.
Enter this blog series about divine healing in the Bible. My focus will be the biblical text and discussions about faith and other subjects that connect to divine healing in the Bible. I’m glad you’re here and I hope you get a lot out of this study on the miracle of divine healing.
Read More in Healed in the Name of Jesus!
Read more of my story of paralysis in my book<br>and get a clear picture of how I eat my faith in God’s <br>healing promises until I see Him do it for me.
Get the BookMy Journey toward Divine Healing
In my book, I told much of my story that people were interested in or did not know. I was paralyzed in September 2013 with Transverse Myelitis Acute and am a quadriplegic until God heals me. I fully believe in and pray for divine healing of my body every day.
I wake up every morning with a burning question on my mind and heart, “Is this the day You finish Your work of healing me?” This is not the first healing in my body I have asked God for. I was born with cataracts in both eyes and have been legally blind all my life.
Part of my studying and writing that book was about my own path of healing and faith. I can assure you I fully believe in the whole Word of God. How do you walk that out in your life when you live between God’s promises for healing, the Bible’s accounts of physical healing, and God’s finished work of healing in you? That’s what the book, and some of this series, is all about.
I refuse to give up my belief that God can heal the body even when medical professionals say from data and experience that you cannot be healed. All that does for me is fuel my faith to see God do something they cannot see.
Divine Healing in the Bible and Faith
Most of this series is about examining each of the biblical accounts of divine healing. We will be making inferences and notes about how God heals. I tend to be a very cerebral studier of God’s Word. My study the Bible leads right to my faith.
I do not stop at study. That is just the beginning. I move from study to application, from seeing things in the Bible that intrigue me to praying about those things. In one sense, I’m one of those, “If the Bible said it I believe it,” Christians. I believe there is a fascinating connection between studying the Bible, praying for what you study, and having the faith to trust God to do those things today.
One truth we will quickly discover as we begin talking about divine healing in the Bible is that it requires faith to see God perform the miracle of healing. That is essential to how we will approach this study. As we study, we will put our faith where our situation is. There will be prayers I am praying for you, and I hope you are praying for me as we see what God can do.
Is Divine Healing Only for Bible Times?
It is not enough to study and see what God did back then. Our heart and faith should rise up and say, “Do it again in my day!” Studying divine healing in the Bible is useless to us if we do not act on it. When we see how, why, and what God did in the Bible, understanding the context and using good interpretive techniques, we will do, the next reasonable thing to do is to ask God to do it for us.
The Bible tells us that God does not change (James 1:17; Hebrews 13:8). If Jesus healed people in Bible times, He can, and wants to, heal people today. We will get into where sickness comes from throughout our study. That will also inform our faith to see God do it today.
We need a dynamic faith to see God do miracles in our midst. The fact that people question if God still works miracles shows how messed up our Western culture is. I will not ignore scientific facts about the body, but miracles by their very nature go against natural and physical laws. My faith tells me that if God has not changed, He can and will do miracles and healing today.
Who Can Seek Divine Healing Seen in the Bible?
That raises another question, one you will see me addressing throughout this study series. Who can seek healing today? Whoever has faith. Whoever is praying for the sick. Whoever is healing in their body themselves. All these people are candidates for God’s divine intervention in their bodies.
I stated it in my book, but I want to say it here again. I am not a clinical, far-off observer to the subject of divine healing in the Bible and today. I am myself seeking healing in my body. I am myself at times struggling with living between God’s promises and fulfillment. I am meeting you where you are. I am fighting for you as well as for me.
Even when we don’t have enough faith, like the people who interacted with Jesus, we need to pray, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief,” and “Increase our faith!” Anyone who can start there can be immensely changed by our Maker. Some who disbelieved in the Bible were shown by God that He is not tied down by disbelief.
Divine Healing Is God’s Work
In this study, we will discuss teachings about divine healing and evaluate if they are biblical, and then helpful to us. I’ll get into less vague statements as we continue together. I am not unaware of contradictory doctrines and statements about God’s activity.
One thing I will state right away is that only God, who designed and created our bodies, understands us so completely that He can do whatever He wants to do in us. I see it like this because if you haven’t met them already, you will discover these contrary views and teachings.
Anything that suggests healing is anything but the work of God is something you won’t find me befriending. This includes the fact that God created our bodies and has made such amazing biological machines that they can to some extent naturally heal themselves.
I acknowledge that, but I’m not talking about natural healing. I’m talking about divine healing, the healing we must appeal to the Creator to receive from Him. Even if you want to talk about natural healing, God designed the body to do it, so it belongs to Him as well.
I hope you will comment and discuss the material I bring forth here. I would love to hear your input as we study these accounts of divine healing in the Bible. As the Scripture says, iron sharpens iron (Proverbs 27:17), and so I hope we will sharpen one another in our faith and understanding of healing.
Praying for Your Healing
You will see this at the end of each post. These are my prayers according to the material we cover for each post – for you. You are welcome to personally contact me and tell me how I can pray more specifically for you if you wish. I will let the Holy Spirit pray through me for you., Here’s the first of many prayers for you and for me.
Heavenly Father, I thank You that You have made these bodies so powerful in healing. I cry out to You, that as we study Your Word, You will give us the faith to see You do incredible things in our bodies. I pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ that You will show Your mighty power and heal them as they grow in faith for their healing from You. In the name of Your mighty Son Jesus, Amen.
Up Next
We’re just getting started in our study of divine healing in the Bible. Now that we have looked at the reason we should study divine healing in the Bible, we will now turn to the four kinds of healing in the Bible.
Image by Steve Haselden from Pixabay
Problem bone on bone knees. Searched and spoken loads. Pain diminishes somewhat for a couple of days and then slammed with it again. No negative confessions. Quite the opposite. This has lasted about a year
Hope differed makes the heart sick. Please please help if u can. Thanku
I’m sorry to hear that, Yvonne. I have added you to my prayer list and will pray for you every weekday. I have found with my own condition that nerve pain is almost always a constant. I can understand at least somewhat. I know pain is different for every person. Please keep me updated on your condition.