Why did God change people’s names in the Bible? Beginning with Abraham, Sarah, and Jacob, and going into the New Testament when Jesus changes Simon’s name to Peter, God has been changing people’s names throughout Scripture. But to many people this is a strange thing. God changes people’s names for…
Why did Jesus call himself the Son of Man? Jesus was in the habit of calling himself the “Son of Man.” Throughout his ministry he often called himself this in many occasions. But there is significance to the reason why he used this term. Son of Man comes from passages…
Is the coronavirus a sign of the end times? This is a good question that a lot of people are asking right now. I want to start by explaining what the “end times” are. The end times happen at the end of the world. The world will be ripe for…
What did Jesus write in the sand with the woman caught in adultery in John 8? This is one of the few passages that may have not been in the original text of the New Testament. The earliest manuscripts do not include the story. However, when you read it, most…
How does speaking in tongues in your personal prayer language enhance your life? To answer this question, we must start with some introductory information that will help people understand personal prayer languages better. What are they and where did they come from? When a believer is baptized in the Holy…
Have you received a prophecy that came true? Prophecy occurs in two ways throughout the body of Christ. The first is a corporate prophecy over the entire body. The other is a personal prophecy delivered discreetly. Let’s talk about how you know a prophecy is a true word from the…
What’s the difference between the anointing and spiritual gifts? Wow. I’ve never really thought about the difference between the two, or even if there is a difference. Let’s take a look at the Old Testament where the anointing is used on a regular basis and then at the New Testament…
Many Christians believe it is acceptable to drink alcohol. Can you provide insight into the Christian landscape regarding alcohol, credible theologies relating to alcohol, and how much those theologies are based in culture vs scripture? America has quite a history when it comes to alcohol. We actually have in our…
Some Christians believe it is acceptable to swear/use profanity (excluding taking God’s name in vain). Is there a Biblical basis for this position, and if there is, how strong is the position? Some people call it swearing or cussing. But when I think about swearing, I think of the ninth…
Was Moses talking to Jesus on Mount Sinai? Who was at the burning bush? The most obvious answer to these questions is that Moses was talking to God. But I want to be more specific and say he was talking to the Trinity. All three members of the Trinity would…