We are talking about Adam’s genealogy in this issue. If you read the last issue, my main goal was to get you interested in biblical genealogies because most people skip them when doing devotional reading. I can understand why. Unless you have time to dig into them and study them…
We find God punished the Israelites with sickness sometimes in the Old Testament. This is troubling to people who are trying to understand how or if this happens today. I want to take a closer look at why God did this in more detail. In my last post, I addressed…
And the crowd goes wild for Cain’s genealogy! I know, I know. This is the part of Scripture you read really fast during the devotions or skip altogether. Most people don’t get much spiritual vigor from the genealogies. But they are important and often times there are gems you don’t…
God had a system for dealing with sicknesses in the Old Testament, specifically leprosy. It is not that He healed the sicknesses by these means but that He provided a way to monitor them. In my last post, I talked about God’s most extraordinary healing of barren women. In this…
Welcome to Volume 2 as we talk about the first murder and open a new chapter in our researching and learning about the world of Genesis 1-11. We are looking at Sin, Genealogies, and the Great Sin. In this first issue, we will discuss The First Murder. We left off…
Many people don’t realize the most extraordinary healing God did for women in the Old Testament. Without God opening the barren wombs of women in the Old Testament, He would never have brought about His plan for Israel and Jesus. In my last post, I described the ways God healed…
We will be discussing the results of rebellion against God in the garden of Eden. We will see the curse, the first sacrifice, and the guards of the garden of Eden. All this happened because of the desire of Adam and Eve to be like God. Last time, we talked…
We are focusing on how God healed people in the Old Testament. The Old Testament lays the foundation for what God will do through Jesus’s ministry and the ministry of the apostles in the New Testament. In my last post, I talked about how to pray Bible promises for your…
We are continuing in our study of Genesis with The Trap and the Fall. We have already discussed God and creation. The last verse of Genesis 2 in our last issue left us with a foreshadowing. It told us that the man and his wife were naked and were not…
You can know the healing promises of the Bible but not know how to pray Bible promises for healing. We need to combine Bible promises for healing with how to pray for them. In my last post, I talked about what God promises about healing in the Bible. In this…