December 5 | Luke 20:25 “Then He said to them, “Then pay to Caesar what is Caesar’sand to God what is God’s.”” (Luke 20:25) Toward the end of Jesus’s ministry religious leaders tried to trap Him in mind games. They wanted to discredit Him. No matter what they tried, they…
In this issue, I will go into detail on bearing the image of God, and what it means. The image of God is a massive theological topic and we will discuss it from several angles. I think we can come to some major decisions about what it is and how…
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay I love to make images through art. I tried my hand at drawing when I was younger. When I was in high school I had the opportunity to make pottery. And I have recently picked up painting with my mouth since my paralysis. I’m…
Image by Bessi from Pixabay Since we are all God's children, how much should we pray to him? Actually, all human beings are not all God’s children. Many politicians are saying this so that they sound like they are inclusive. Only people who believe in Jesus Christ are God’s children.…
Image by Uwe Baumann from Pixabay If we are all made in the image of God, why do we have racism, sexism, and homophobia? We are all made in God’s image. Genesis 1:26-27 is very clear that God planned to make humans in his image. But scholars debate what it…
Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay Tax season recently ended, extended by the government because of the Covid-19 virus. Let the complaints about taxes fill the streets. No one likes paying taxes, especially when they don’t like the way the government governs. They might feel misrepresented or abused by a…
Image by Oberholster Venita from Pixabay One of the easiest ways to teach a subject is to use object lessons. They are the bread and butter of every poet. “Bread and butter” is actually an image that means it is a staple. They bring a vivid and concrete understanding to…