Many Christians attempt to be holy by watching out for temptation and trying not to sin. These are good lofty goals. But this is not how the Bible describes holiness. This might just be sheer willpower and legalism. Because so many people define holiness in different ways, it’s hard to…
Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay Everyone needs a friend. Some people are friendlier than others and have many friends. Other people, like me when I was young and even now, generally have a few close friends. When people don’t have any friends, we consider them antisocial. But people who…
Image by Omar Medina Films from Pixabay Everybody has a weakness when it comes to entertainment. Some people are big into music. Others have the guilty pleasure of movies and TV shows. Some people are very active, playing sports and exercising. I’ve met people of all kinds, even people who…
Image by Anastacia Cooper from Pixabay Did you ever notice something that drove you nuts about somebody else? Every once in a while I will notice something that bothers me about somebody else. Every time they do it or I perceive it in them, I notice. It’s almost like it’s…
Image by My pictures are CC0. When doing composings: from Pixabay How many of us have a close relationship with the Holy Spirit in our lives? I grew up in Pentecostal churches. All my life pastors and teachers have talked about a vibrant life in the Spirit. So I am…
Image by SplitShire from Pixabay What does “make you holy” mean in the Bible? The concept of making a person holy is one of the main themes of Scripture. It falls under the subject of sanctification, a theological word describing the process of becoming holy. Holiness is one of the…
What are the steps a person takes from being a nonbeliever to being conformed to Christ? Many people don’t talk about the entire process from start to finish of how God draws us to him and then sanctifies us after salvation. There are various steps out there but, in general,…
Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay I’ve met many Christians in my ministry that still struggle with staving off sin. They think holiness is the battle to stop sinning. I get question after question on how to stop it. Everyone was looking for a magic bullet to live a holy…
Image by Dimitris Christou from Pixabay Every person I know, even the ones who say they are happy with the way they are, desires to change at least one thing about themselves. Just look at a bookshelf of self-help books. They must be one of the largest genres for nonfiction…
Some Christians believe it is acceptable to swear/use profanity (excluding taking God’s name in vain). Is there a Biblical basis for this position, and if there is, how strong is the position? Some people call it swearing or cussing. But when I think about swearing, I think of the ninth…