Search Me, Oh God

May 11 | Psalm 139:23-24

“Search me, Oh God, and know my heart. Test me and know my troubled thoughts, and see if an offensive way is in me, and leave me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139:23–24)

There’s no one in this world who can do what God does. They are not all-knowing. They don’t see the hidden and secret parts of you. There are no mind readers. Your thoughts and emotions belong to you.

But God sees everything. There’s nothing you can hide from him. He’s the only one who can search you and completely know you inside and out. He’s the very best accountability partner. That’s why David seeks him to make sure he is doing what God wants him to do.

You want God to try you and know your thoughts, anxieties, and insecurities. Aligning with God’s desires and expectations for you keeps you on the right path. Glorifying God starts with his accountability.

You want to walk in the way everlasting, the way that leads to heaven with God forever. You are walking on the road of righteousness with Jesus. The Holy Spirit keeps you on that path. He walks with you and shows you what God expects.

So as you walk with him, don’t be afraid to ask him to search your heart. There are times we don’t even realize we have offended the Lord in some way. He convicts and disciplines you without punishing you in judgment.

Action Step: Ask the Lord to search you and bring to your attention anything that displeases him. Surrender everything to him and allow him to change anything that displeases him.

Lord Jesus, myself at your feet. As I put myself on your altar, change anything in me that displeases you. I want to follow the path of righteousness that brings you glory. Teach me to walk in your ways.

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