Musicians in the Bible

What character of the Bible has musical talent?

David is the first musical person that comes to mind in the Bible. He plays the harp for King Saul to calm him down. Of course, when this doesn’t work, he dodges whatever King Solomon throws at him.

King David wrote many of the Psalms of the Bible as well. So he was a gifted musician, not only able to play the harp but also compose music and lyrics. Some of his Psalms are set to different tunes, so he was familiar with different melodies that could be used to support the lyrics of his Psalms. But he was by far not the only musical person in the Bible. I’m sure there were many people in the Temple who could sing the Psalms and perform the music to them. They may not be mentioned in Scripture, but they are the unsung musicians of the Psalms and Temple worship.

Image by fsHH from Pixabay

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