Flesh of My Flesh

November 15 | Genesis 2:23-24

“Then the man said, “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:23–24, ESV)

Adam had been searching for companionship. He found none among the animals. Even though he spent a while naming each one they were incompatible. So when he wakes up from his deep sleep he exclaims, “At last! Someone compatible for me.”

But his wife was not just compatible. She and he were a perfect fit. Through marriage intimate union of husband and wife is the perfect fit. It may not always seem that way, and some people are ill-prepared to be together for the long haul. But God designed marriage to fit together to people who are better together than apart.

Husband and wife begin a new relationship unlike any relationship in their past. The man leaves his family in the past to begin a new one with his wife. They are bound together with the bond not designed to be broken by anything but death.

With all the talk of prenups, divorce, and separation we forget God’s original intent for marriage. We make marriage in our image rather than in His. Marriage is meant to be enjoyable, fruitful, and a blessing. It is not meant to be broken up or a temporary get-together.

Action Step: Ignore the way culture represents marriage. Recommit yourself every morning to your spouse. Don’t even let divorce on the table.

Jesus, give me the ability to love my spouse with actions instead of emotions. Help me to resolve arguments and issues that arise. I want to grow deeper and deeper in our bond together. Bless my spouse and help me to put them before myself.

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