
The Can I Get a Witness Life Group is a practical workshop group for discussion, formation, and testing of witnessing strategies. Our group has three steps to preparing every individual to witness to various religious groups and individuals:

  1. Evaluation and Discussion of Religions and Religious Beliefs
  2. Development of Personal Evangelism Strategies
  3. Testing and Practicing Your Personal Strategies in Our Group

You can attend this group in person or virtually through Zoom (Link will be on church website). Group meetings will be available in audio and video on my website (teaching portion only), on Google Drive, and a private Facebook Group. Volunteering group members will provide lunch each week. Bring your questions and examples of the unsaved loved ones in your life.


Sundays 12:30-2 PM

September 11Developing Your Story and Proclaiming the Gospel
September 18Witnessing Tactics (How to Witness about Christ)
September 25Witnessing to Atheists and Agnostics
October 2Witnessing to Jews and Witnessing to Muslims
October 9Witnessing to Cult Members (Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Etc.)
October 16Witnessing to Occult Members
October 23Witnessing to Eastern Religions (Hindus, Buddhists, New Age)
October 30Q&A


5 minutes – Opening Prayer

10 minutes – Overview of First Religion and Example of Evangelism Strategy

15 minutes – Forming Your Plan of Evangelism

10 minutes – Overview of Second Religion and Example of Evangelism Strategy

15 minutes – Forming Your Plan of Evangelism

35 minutes – Testing Your Plan with the Group