How Temporary Hardships Prepare Us for Our Eternal HomeKenneth Boanew The authors opens his book by describing what it is about so the reader is not misled. Most people read a book like this because it is about how to pray and ask God to take your suffering away. He…
I have not made a lot of progress on my book on Meditations on the Lord’s Supper for a while. But this week I wrote a whole chapter in preparation for getting some fresh eyes on it. It feels good to make progress in my writing on the projects that…
We will be discussing the results of rebellion against God in the garden of Eden. We will see the curse, the first sacrifice, and the guards of the garden of Eden. All this happened because of the desire of Adam and Eve to be like God. Last time, we talked…
Craft a Book That Changes Lives – Especially Your OwnA. J. Harper I picked up this book as part of my writing group, Bookcamp, in which we read through the book and applied it to our writing. I was excited to read it because like any author, I want to…
We are focusing on how God healed people in the Old Testament. The Old Testament lays the foundation for what God will do through Jesus’s ministry and the ministry of the apostles in the New Testament. In my last post, I talked about how to pray Bible promises for your…
A Canonical and Synthetic ApproachFrank Thielman I have wanted to read Thielman’s Theology of the New Testament for quite some time. It was one of my textbooks in seminary and we only read parts of it for my classes. I remembered them being thorough and helpful chapters. I was not…
It’s hard for me to accept a season that means shifting priorities for at least a time. I like to think I can keep up by writing in all my different projects, but certain seasons of my life make it impossible to do that. Are you the same way? I…
We are continuing in our study of Genesis with The Trap and the Fall. We have already discussed God and creation. The last verse of Genesis 2 in our last issue left us with a foreshadowing. It told us that the man and his wife were naked and were not…
Accordance is a great Bible software to study the Word of God with a number of Bible study tools. You can use these tools to dig into the Bible and expose the gems of Scripture with a keen eye. Accordance uses search and analytic tools you can use to study…
You can know the healing promises of the Bible but not know how to pray Bible promises for healing. We need to combine Bible promises for healing with how to pray for them. In my last post, I talked about what God promises about healing in the Bible. In this…