You’re Not a One-Man Band

When I was first introduced to evangelism models, I was taught the process of coming to Christ from the hardened atheist to the growing saint. The one overwhelming aspect was guiding anyone through this process myself. It’s a daunting responsibility! And I was freaked out.

But I have learned over the years the most important principle to learn about sharing your faith: you don’t have to do it all! You’re not the only person guiding others to Christ. First, a person’s journey to Christ is guided by the Holy Spirit, not you.

You only have to play your part, your instrument when he tells you to play. This is why it is imperative to listen to the Holy Spirit when we share our faith. He knows where every unbeliever is in the process.

That’s a big load off and a great stress reliever for us. It is important to understand how a person goes from an atheist to a Christian, but it’s not up to you to get it all done at once. Coming to Jesus takes time. There are very few instances where a person has such a stark and dramatic conversion to Jesus in one shot.

Anyone can find the process of salvation, but only you can play the part the Holy Spirit asks you to play. Other people are involved in guiding a person along the path. Rarely, the Holy Spirit will use you for the whole process, but it will still happen over time.

Even if you don’t know the process, listening to the Holy Spirit is the only tool you need in your tool belt. Sure, it helps to read books on evangelism, but it’s more important to know the Bible and to be there for people who are seeking Jesus. God isn’t going to overwhelm you. He uses your gifts where you’re at in your ability to share.

You can actually be over prepared and sound more like a used car salesman then a devoted follower of Jesus. You must be real and genuine to be effective. Don’t worry about the process. Only play your part when the Holy Spirit taps your shoulder.

Have you ever worried about having to take an unbeliever from the beginning to the end? Were you ever unready to share because you thought you had to do it all? I hope this encourages you! Play your part like the master musician! Leave a comment about the part of witnessing you struggle with the most. We’re here to encourage one another!

Jonathan Srock

Rev. Jonathan Srock is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2010. He received two Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Languages and Pastoral Ministries, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Jonathan was privileged to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Shillington, PA for five years before suffering sudden paralysis in 2013. Jonathan has been a Christian since 1988.

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