Welcome to BIG (Bible Insights and Gems)

BIG (Bible Insights and Gems)

What is BIG (Bible Insights and Gems)?

BIG, as you have gathered by now, is my new series that looks through Scripture for Bible insights and gems. When I study Scripture, I have noticed I see things in the passages that when I talk about them or mention them to other people, they seem very interested in learning more.

I have made studying, teaching, and preaching God’s Word my life’s mission. I began to realize that people may be interested in how I study the Bible and how I learn what I do and teach to others. That’s the whole point of BIG.

If you’ve ever wanted the opportunity to see how my mind works (you may not want to after this) and to see how my training and studying habits have affected how I see the passages I read and study in the Bible, here is your opportunity.

I am arranging BIG into volumes and issues. A volume has a whole Bible passage, topic, theological topic, or biblical theme within its issues. An issue will cover anywhere from just one verse to a subsection of a topic or theological thought. As much as I’m able to keep up with this series, you will find new installments on Mondays at 9 AM.

If you do not see a new installment, is either a holiday, I have not stayed ahead of the series, or I will produce a new installment sometime on Monday. Please give me realm when you don’t see new installments as I have many projects and overwork my imagination as to what I can accomplish in one day. Thank you for visiting this new endeavor and interacting with Scripture and with me.

What Do You Want to Study?

I need your help! I cannot come up with all the topics, passages, theological discussions, and anything else you want to do with me on this Bible Insights and Gems series. If you have a passage, theological idea, topic of discussion, or anything else that has to do with the Bible, we want to hear what you would like to study with me.

It is not useful for you or me to just have me go through a passage or topic when you could get something out of going through it with me. You can reply to any of my issues with the comments and let me know what you think, if you have other thoughts, or any way you want to interact with me and the material I give. I would love to hear from you, especially ideas you would have for what we could study.

What You’ll Find in My Bible Insights and Gems

You can take a test spin of my Bible Insights and Gems series from the menu at the top of my website. I will choose a topic or passage to study and you can follow along. Some of the thoughts are my own while others are my interaction with current scholarship.

Not everything you will find in the series is unique to me. Many times I will be talking about what I have learned in my Bible College and Seminary training, putting tools I use to study the Bible in practice, or a keen observation I have made for myself and want to walk out the implications and results of those observations.

I think most of all you will find what I talk about in these passages and topics interesting. While there may be some moments where the Spirit leads me to illustrate or apply the text to you and myself, the main point of these deep dives into Scripture is to understand the connections between passages, words, and verses in my study.

Looking over My Shoulder for Bible Insights and Gems

I think the most helpful thing in this series on Bible insights and gems for you may be that you get to glance over my shoulder as I dig into passages. Even the ways I approach certain Bible topics and theologies may surprise you, but I can explain why I am where I am in theology and Bible passages and thoughts about them.

That might be the most benefit to you, seeing how the wheels turn in my process and thoughts. I love to hear what you think as I study these passages and topics. If something I write helps you to understand the Bible better, challenges your thinking about something, or helps you to see something you may have missed in your own studies, then I have accomplished the goal of the series. I hope you enjoyed reading, studying, and reflecting on Scripture along with me.

Tools I Use for Bible Insights and Gems

I mostly use the tools, resources, and books in Logos Bible Software and almost all of my research and Bible study. It provides the widest range of commentaries, Bible dictionaries, and other resources that help me dig deep into Scripture.

You can read my review of Logos Bible Software 10 here, and check out base packages. I have affiliate links for Logos, meaning that when you click on them, it gives me a small percentage of anything you purchase. It does not affect your price at all. It just helps me with more Bible study and the upkeep of this website. Thank you for your support! You can also start for free with Logos if you would like to take it for a test spin before you decide to buy anything.

Jonathan Srock

Rev. Jonathan Srock is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2010. He received two Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Languages and Pastoral Ministries, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Jonathan was privileged to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Shillington, PA for five years before suffering sudden paralysis in 2013. Jonathan has been a Christian since 1988.

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