Your Website Tour


Immediate updates and important information will be on the welcome page. You will find upcoming events, what’s new on the website, and the latest news from me. Not


Links to descriptions of my books, media about them, and pricing options are found on the books page. If I have a published book, you can find it here.

Daily Devos

Every morning at 6 AM, you can read the devotion for that day. Each devotion consists of a title, a passage, my stories and thoughts for that day, and a starter prayer. I designed these devotions to be the start of your Scripture and prayer for each day. They prime the pump. In the first three months of this year, the ebook, paperback, and hardcover book will be available with extra devotions not included on the website for holidays.minimize that fast

BIG (Bible Insights and Gems)

This is a brand-new addition to my website this year. Every Wednesday morning you can access a new volume and issue. These are my musings on passages, my focus on them and how I connect them with other parts of the Bible, and insights I have learned throughout the years. Not everything in these BIG installments is a thought I have had that no one else has thought. There is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes ?). I may interact with things I have learned or read from other scholars.

Divine Discourse Blog

These are my main writings on a number of biblical topics ranging from discipleship to evangelism, and everything in between. Some of them are based on my books or extensions of the content of my books. Each series presents my teaching and thoughts I have about a given subject. There’s a lot there, and it grows every week. Of special interest may be in my “Inquiring Minds” series in which I answer common and uncommon questions posed to me over the years.


I have been preaching the gospel since 2004, although there’s only one sermon I preached in that year. There are many sermons that include multimedia such as videos and audio. My notes will also be available, and even a PowerPoint if you want to look at that. I consider sermons one of the ways I can serve the Church and bless you. It will take some time to get all the sermons from my previous website to this one. Please be patient with me as I add new (and old) content.

Bible Studies

On the Bible studies page, you have access to almost all the life groups I have taught over the years. I am working on adding content from my other website that I shut down so everything could be in one place. It will take me a while to have the content I had their on this website, and I will be adding new Bible studies.


This page has formerly free lead magnets and resources based on my blog or other things I have put together to serve you, my readers. Even when they are not part of my welcome page or blog page, I keep them around so you can access them. Some of them are attached to my books/blogs and will probably ask you for your email address to access them. You would be joining the audience of readers I serve and you can choose your email involvement. I try not to hit up your inbox as much as possible because I hate it when others do that to be.


You can find a lot of reviews for Christian books, Bible software, and online Bible study tools. I’ll let you know what I think about these books and resources. I do not get paid for my reviews. And my thoughts on these topics. The reviews page is also a place for writers to read reviews about books on writing I have read and writing software I have used or evaluated.


This page gives you some of the tools I personally use every day and week as I prepare sermons, Bible studies, life groups, as I write books, blog posts, and everything else I write. Most of the links to these programs and services I use are affiliate links. You will not be charged extra for them but these special links help pay for the website. Most of my ministry at this moment until my healing from paralysis focuses on writing. I would be excited and grateful to come to your church or Bible study to preach and teach. You can use the Contact Page to get a hold of me for that.

Website Building

I have been building websites for a while, ever since I started building my own back in 2008. On this page, you can download a PDF of information about my website building requirements. I am very flexible with your project and will not stop until you are satisfied. If I have new things to learn to do to make your website function the way you wish, I factor that into your build. Please remember that I have other projects in the works at all times throughout the year. We can talk about your timetable and what you expect in your consultation call.


On the about page, you will learn more about me as a pastor, speaker, author, and all the other hats I wear for ministry. It gives you an idea of my heart and different passions for different things that all encompass being a pastor. You can also learned about the website from here. I host a weekly update call Author News that let you know what I’m up to each week.


This page gives you a form you can fill out to contact me about anything on the website, a question you may have, a subject you would like me to dive into four my blog or another section of my website, or to ask more about a speaking engagement you would like me to do or website building services. I respond to all emails within 1-3 days.