Upward and Onward

Lots of great things are happening in my writing this week. I will soon be over halfway done with the holiday devotions that come in my devotional book that are not in the Daily Devos. That’s one benefit of getting the book.

I can see daylight and the possibility of having this book finished editing at the end of this year. The only thing left after that is to format the book, get a book designer, and then publish the book. That should happen early in 2024.

I am also working hard on writing a book for prayer and fasting containing practical helps on prayer and fasting, a daily devotion, and a study in case you want to go deeper each day. This book is set to a 21 day schedule. Unfortunately, I cannot see myself having this book published by the beginning of January, which is when many churches hold corporate fasting and prayer.

I think I will put it on the back burner after writing it and prepare to publish it for 2025 if the Lord does not come before then. If you would like to see this book in the beginning of 2024 even if I cannot get it published by the beginning of January, please let me know in the comments. I will see what I can do.

Those are the major writing projects I have going right now. I am gearing up for the new year, and realize I have a whole month yet. I worked on my writing calendar for 2024 last week and that has given me confidence that I can get at least some of those projects done next year. I also have additions to the website that you may find interesting.

I’m working on reading some books about writing to add reviews to the reviews page. Currently, there are only reviews of Christian books. I would also like to add reviews of Bible software, online Bible study tools, and tools for writers.

I realize writer is not be a big part of my audience, but because I am a writer and I read these kind of books, there may be some of you who want to be authors someday were writers today. Some of these books and resources could be helpful in making your dream a reality. I know they had been for me.

I’m also excited to release a new series called BIG (Bible Insights and Gems) at the beginning of January. I will probably rearrange my website schedule so that these different parts of the website, on different days.

Right now, it looks like I will change Author News to Mondays, keep my Divine Discourse posts on Tuesdays, release each issue and volume of BIG on Wednesdays, add reviews for books on writing and Bible software/online Bible tools will alternate on Thursdays, and keep reviews for Christian books on Fridays. There will be something for everyone all throughout the week.

BIG will start out with my thoughts on God at Creation, beginning with Genesis 1-2. I don’t know where I will go after that but there are so many great Bible themes and passages that it will be easy to keep this series going.

Some of it will be my thoughts or things I have found interesting in my own studies. Other parts of it will be interacting with scholars I have read on subjects for things I have heard over the years of Bible study. I think you might enjoy this if you like looking into the things of the Bible with wonder and awe.

These are just some of the sneak peaks into the end of this year and the beginning of 2024. I’d like to keep it all going but there may be times due to something else happening in my life that I may not produce something every week.

I will have a Spring life group which right now looks like it will be “Living in the Last Days” where we will be talking about how to live as a Christian in the world and with other Christians in the last days before Jesus returns. I will also be studying two courses. One is in Philippians, a course directed toward reading the Greek text of the book. I can’t wait for this one to start! I know. I’m geeky and nerdy that way.

I will also have a course with my Bible software which might also be centered on the book of Philippians. They offer two courses I’m interested in. One is also faced on the Greek text of Philippians which would go nicely with my reading course. At the other one is more of a theological and commentary approach, which might balance out the Greek side of things. I still know what will choose. Now that you know everything that’s happening in my world, it’s time for me to get back to writing and studying. Perhaps next time I will tell you about some of the above projects I expect to accomplish in the next year.

Image by Bruno from Pixabay

Jonathan Srock

Rev. Jonathan Srock is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2010. He received two Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Languages and Pastoral Ministries, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Jonathan was privileged to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Shillington, PA for five years before suffering sudden paralysis in 2013. Jonathan has been a Christian since 1988.

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