
In this life group, we discuss all things spiritual, from the divine council to demonic activity. We will look at passages of Scripture that contain information about the spiritual realm. We will even consider what happens when we die and beyond. The last couple of weeks will cover the basics of spiritual warfare and our involvement in it.

The life group will be in person attendance with the audio and video placed on Jonathan’s website and his Google Drive. Volunteering group members will provide lunch each week. Bring your questions and insights into the spiritual realm.


Sundays 12:30-2 PM

If there’s bad weather I will contact you, and we will meet the next week.

February 12Flesh and Spirit
February 19God and Satan
February 26Angels and Demons
March 5The Divine Council and Evil Spiritual Powers
March 12Life, Death, and the Afterlife
March 193 Levels of Spiritual Warfare
March 26Taking Your Place
April 2The End of the War


5 minutes – Opening Prayer

30 minutes – Teaching on the Subjects

40 minutes – Discussion

15 minutes – Application