The Soul

How We Know It’s Real and Why It Matters
J. P. Moreland

The Soul by J. P. Moreland

J. P. Moreland is a Christian scholar who tackles the hard issues of life. I was happy to pick up his book on the soul. He does an excellent job of giving you the lay of the land in education and presenting a solid case for the soul and why we have one.

Morland begins by talking about the soap and how Christian doctrine has talked about it, as well as other disciplines. Scientism has said that the solar is only a byproduct of the human brain. But that is not how most people see it. He gives for reason why talking about the serve is important.

In chapter 1, the author talks about physicalism and dualism as a way to understand the arguments represented by scholars about the soul. He identifies and defines substances, properties, and events.

Chapter 2 discusses the Bible and the soul. She surveys how the legends have interacted with Scientific evidence for the soul. He talks about the intermediate state. Ireland proceeds to Survey the Old Testament and New Testament teaching about the soul. Lines how the words were a soul or spirit are used in the Old Testament and the New Testament. He goes through several passages that teach and anthropological dualism of the soul.

In chapter 3, Moreland discusses the nature and reality of conscience. Conscience is, and his Moreland describes it, our personal ability to sense things around us. He outlines five possible arguments for dualism and conscience. This is a very detailed chapter.

Chapter 4 is about the reality of the soul. He argues for the position of a substance dualism and explains the differences between property duelists and substance duelists. He uses logical arguments to explain how the soul is different from the physical entity it dwells in. He provides evidence that we do have souls from a number of arguments.

In the last chapter of the book, Moreland discusses the future of the human person. He gives a couple of examples of near-death experiences that are credible. This chapter is all about what will happen to us as souls and people, and our bodies. He describes the afterlife as he talks about heaven and hell. He also includes a section on questions that he answers about hell.

The end of the book has an excerpt from one of Moreland’s other books, “Love the Lord Your God with Your Mind.” It also has a glossary of terms you can refer to if you forget a definition.

This is a great book that gives you an education in discussing the soul of humanity. I will say that it is almost like a textbook. It has chapter reminders at the end and formal terms to learn if you did not catch them in the reading. It is a very scholar-heavy book. If your style of reading is not to read through textbook, you will have trouble with this book.

I’m happy to have read the book because Moreland presents credible evidence for the soul of a person. He gives you all the educational point of view and then tells you where he thinks the right answers to the soul can be found. Although scholarly, it will help you to be well-versed on the issue of the human soul.

Jonathan Srock

Rev. Jonathan Srock is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2010. He received two Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Languages and Pastoral Ministries, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Jonathan was privileged to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Shillington, PA for five years before suffering sudden paralysis in 2013. Jonathan has been a Christian since 1988.

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