December 4 | Psalm 50:10
“For every beast of the field belongs to Me, the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird of the mountain, the moving creatures in the field are with Me. If I were hungry, I wouldn’t tell you, for the world and its fullness belong to Me. Do I eat the flesh of bulls or drink the blood of goats? Sacrifice to God a thank offering and pay your vows to the Most High,”
(Psalm 50:10–14)
Our culture tells us that if we paid for it we own it. Or if it was given to us we own it. We window shop, making plans to own things. We have laws that protect our right to do almost anything on land we own.
Ownership in the Bible is a whole different ball of wax. You don’t own anything even if you paid money for it. Everything belongs to the Lord. Not because He thought it but because He created everything,.
þEven you don’t own yourself. Every Christian has been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, bought back from sin and death. The devil lays claim to the unbelieving. But God owns them because He created them. God has placed His image on all of us.
God entrusts what He owns to you. You become a steward of what God has. He expects you to steward it wisely based on His principles. What a great thought, that God allows you to steward His things!
Action Step: Ask the Lord to make you a good steward of His possessions. Scour the Scriptures to discover God’s principles on how to steward all He entrusts to you.
Jesus, thank You for trusting me with Your possessions. I want to be a good steward of all You have provided for me. Show me the best ways to glorify You with everything You have entrusted into my care.