An Israeli Insider Looks at the End Times
Amir Tsarfati
The title of this book intrigued me, and I had no idea what to expect. So I picked it up and gave it a read. I was pleasantly surprised that the writer’s approach and the content of the book. It is not an overly theological approach to eschatology, but a look at what the Bible says about the end times and why it is important to everyone.
In the first chapter the author talks about looking back before King forward. He says that Christians can I have peace concerning the end times. He gives his personal story as a Messi Yannick Jew. You talking about how he had the opportunity wow in military service to see some amazing things happening that had to do it the end times.
In chapter 2, the author tells us that God wants us to know his plans. Prophecy is God’s way of telling us what will happen in advance. Even when we read the Bible in our native language, we will still find some passages that are hard to understand. He prepares us so we can have peace about the end times.
It chapter 3, he explains how to understand prophecy. He starts with examples from Isaiah. He describes the near and flour interpretations of some practices. There are also geographical fulfillments. There are global fulfillments. He explains the differences between these fulfillments and gives examples.
Chapter 4 talks about the long winding road of prophecy. God knew from the beginning that Jesus would have to die on the Cross. We see gods plans take a long time to be fulfilled. He describes the prophecy about Jesus in Genesis 3:15. He next describes how prophecy happened for Abraham. He also talks about God’s Plan for the priesthood. He shows how Satan could not destroy God’s plans throughout the Bible.
In chapter 5, the author describes how Israel is still God’s chosen people. When Israel was not a great nation. It was God’s choice to choose it. God did not choose Israel because of its greatness in the world. He describes how God has always been for Israel. He goes through the different theologies that reject Israel in favor of the Church, and how unbiblical they are. He says the nations resent Israel for its special place in God’s plan while Israel has become conceded. Israel and the Church have a responsibility to one another.
Chapter 6 is about the deception of the nations. The devil uses the media to deceive the nations. He gives five ways the nations are deceived about Israel. The author makes the case that the land has always belonged to Israel, and that it is a lie to say it belonged at any time to anyone else. He discusses relations between Israel and the Palestinians.
In chapter 7, the author looks at the great mystery of the rapture. He promises to stick to Bible truth about the rapture and not the opinions of people who try to decide times and dates. He describes what the rapture will look like according to Scripture. He further explains the rapture from Biblical scriptures and evidence. Then he addresses objections to the rapture. The author describes the rapture as the great gathering in chapter 8. He points out that the Church is not an object of God’s Wrath. He talks about Jesus needing the Church in the clouds.
Chapter 9 describes the antichrist, the man of lawlessness. He describes the characteristics of the antichrist. He is the byproduct of rebellion and lawlessness. The antichrist must fit certain criteria and a motivation to arrive. Satan will take advantage of the situation in the world. He further describes where the antichrist will come from. In chapter 10, the author further talks about the antichrist and how he will rise to power. He related to the prophecy of Daniel.
In chapter 11, he talks about the days in Ezekiel 36-37. He describes three collapses of the world in three different ways. The days of Ezekiel talk about Israel returning to the land to make it live again. This also refers to when Israel returned to the land recently in history. Chapter 12 covers Ezekiel 38-39. The author spends much time talking about the Middle East and Russia in the end times.
In chapter 13, the author answers questions about what is next and why it matters to us. He reminds us that God is in control and Christians have nothing to fear about the end times. He talks about what will happen at the very end during the tribulation. God has protected Israel. He outlines more eschatology about the very end of the end times. Christians need to wake up and be ready for the coming of the Lord.
I like that the author ends his book with a salvation call to those who may not know Jesus. He calls us to be ready and walk in the Spirit. Christians must read the Bible. He wants us to serve God with our whole being. He also asks if we are supporting Israel. It’s interesting to hear the perspective of someone who lives in Israel and deals with the signs of the end times. I liked hearing his perspective. Much of what he has said I have heard before. But it was nice to hear and put it all together as someone who is in the thick of and times events happening in his nation. I recommend this book to anyone who is interested in and× events and prophecies. It may bring clarity to you.