The Jordan River Rules

10 God-Given Strategies for Moving Forward
Robert J Morgan

I was greatly looking forward to the second volume by Robert J Morgan concerning another set of principles for living. This one focuses on how to apply Joshua 1-6 to the decisions you face. God wants you to move forward in his way. I always learn a lot from his books. This one was another great read.

The Jordan River Rules is an easy-to-read book. This book covers Joshua 1-6 and Israel’s conquering the Promised Land and how you can move forward in your life. The Israelites have finally reached the waters of the Jordan River and God parts them as he did the Red Sea for them. The author states god will do this for you in your life. The introduction was very encouraging.

In the first rule, we realize God once us to move forward. The author describes our life’s development stages and how to take steps with new ones. We don’t know the next stage, but God works with us in our journey just as He walked with the Israelites. He gives Biblical counsel on how to handle our days and decisions.

The second Jordan River rule states we must say no to fear and yes to strength. The author outlines three times the Bible uses the phrase “Be strong and courageous.” He gives some of the Bible references all about not being afraid. The quote that stuck out to me was, “Fear is overestimating your problems and underestimating your God.” I also like “Fear is the sin of forgetfulness, forgetting the fathomless omnipotence of the Lord Christ and His truth.” He talks about how the Bible has nothing good to say about discouragement.

The third Jordan River rule is that we should step up to the moment. The author describes how it is so easy to mess up. We can mess up God’s promises when we don’t prepare for next steps. He describes how the Bible uses a “three days” formula for waiting, processing, and preparing for next steps. Before you go into your plans you need to trust Jesus will do what He says.

The fourth Jordan River rule is that we should find someone to help us along the way. The author tells the story of Rahab and how she helped the Israelite spies. I really like this quote: “We can all become masked strangers creating indiscriminate acts of kindness as we help others along the way.” He gives some ways we could help others.

Jordan River rule number five is that we should expect God to guide us where we’ve never been before. The author says the future is unexplored for us but not a note to God. My favorite quote from this chapter is, “Your Lord is already in your future clearing the way, arranging the circumstances in advance, and preparing the work for you to do, the burdens He has for you to bear, the blessings He wants for you to enjoy.” He explains God’s will in our lives as a soldier’s compass with accompanying Scriptures.

Jordan River rule number six is to prepare today for tomorrow’s wonders. God saves us, a powerful and extraordinary thing. He said to possess, and we need to commit to Him. Our commission must match our position. He tells of a persistent prayer of a man from Myanmar for the opening of the government for the church there, and God did what he prayed for for many years.

The seventh Jordan River rule is to trust God to turn problems into pathways. He describes the time he saw the Jordan River in person, and that it looks completely different in the flood stage. He describes what happened when the priest carrying the Ark of the Covenant into the water and how it parted. God has the power to changer problems into pathways, but He doesn’t always do this. What happens then? The author describes how God is with us and how that makes a difference.

The eighth Jordan River rule is to build a monument. He describes how Joshua and the Israelites build a monument by the Jordan river to show future generations that God had helped them cross the Jordan River on dry land. You should leave testimony of what God has done in your life for others. You can share stories of saints who have done great things for God and inspired later generations to do similar things. The author also give suggestions on how you can do this for future generations.

Jordan River rule number nine is to remember who God is. He goes through several words we use for our obstacles and comments that Joshua use the word Jericho. Joshua looked to hear God’s response to Jericho. It may not be what you would do, or the way you would do it. But that’s precisely the point. It must be God’s way if you are to succeed.

The last Jordan River rule is to encircle obstacles with faith and shout the victory.” He says your Jericho is the things that keeps you up at night or what you cannot get past. He describes the city Jericho in Joshua’s day. Morgan tells you to follow the Jericho principle. He describes how to conquer your problems with biblical weapons. He also talks about the importance of shouting for victory over your situation.

Robert J Morgan produces a small, but power packed book for anyone struggling with moving forward in a decision they need to make or the actions to take. As with his previous volume, the Red Sea Rules, I thoroughly enjoyed these ten rules. You will get a lot out of this work as the author is a brilliant wordsmith and illustrator, and applier of Joshua 1-6. He excels in sharing story after story, illustration after illustration, and applies them with excellence. You will not go wrong with taking the time to read this book. It was a masterful Book that I will read over and over. He will help you remember these truths when you need to make a decision and move forward like Joshua did.

Jonathan Srock

Rev. Jonathan Srock is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2010. He received two Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Languages and Pastoral Ministries, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Jonathan was privileged to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Shillington, PA for five years before suffering sudden paralysis in 2013. Jonathan has been a Christian since 1988.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Kay

    Is there a large print copy of The Jordan River Rules?

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