31 Ways to Be Rapture Ready
David Jeremiah
Dr. David Jeremiah is a very studious teacher of God’s Word. I was interested in reading this book because I am always interested to hear teaching on the rapture of the church.
The author opens this book about the rapture by getting the reader to imagine what that day would be like. He describes the possibilities and the things you may not have thought of before. He describes the day of the rapture as a great day that will bring healing, happiness, and holiness to God’s people.
He describes the rule of threes, focusing on three passages of the Bible that described the rapture. These are John 14, 1 Corinthians 15, and 1 Thessalonians 4. Next, he describes the day of the rapture that will be much like the days of Noah. He goes into detail about what those days were like and how they are like today.
Jeremiah describes the return of the Lord and what it will be like. It will be like when He ascended into the clouds as described in Acts. Next, the author talks about how Christians view death differently than the world because of the rapture. He then goes into a chapter about the resurrection body and what it will be like according to the Scriptures.
The next chapter is a fascinating chapter for me when Dr. Jeremiah talks about five mysteries of the New Testament that are revealed. He goes into the tell about four other mysteries beside the mystery of the rapture and the resurrection body. He describes the rapture and five other raptures that happen in the Bible. I didn’t know where he was going with chapter titles until I read them.
In chapter 12, he answers a very important question: “Who gets raptured?” This is good information some people may not realize when you read the Bible. In the next chapter,he talks about the different reunions that will take place between family, how we will know each other, and our reunion with the Lord Jesus.
He describes what might possibly happen with the effect of the rapture, how it will affect the earth and the people still there. One great chapter he has is on whether or not children will be raptured. I thought this was a very thoughtful and thorough exploration of the answer he gives.
In chapter 16, Dr. Jeremiah discusses the fact that people don’t often live as if they were going tto die today. If you knew when you were going to die, how would you live differently? Why do we wait until we are close to death to live the way we should live our lives every day? If you knew the rapture was going to happen at a certain date and time, you would be prepared for it.
In the next chapter, he talks about heaven and what it will be like. He talks about all the things we have reserved in heaven for us. He tells us to be mindful of heaven and describes what that looks like. It was often said about Christians of there so heavenly minded they are no earthly good. But this is not the case when you are truly heavenly minded. He gives five characteristics of people who are looking toward the rapture.
Dr. Jeremiah moves to the subject of the tribulation in chapter 19. He goes into detail about what will happen during the tribulation, and more importantly, why the tribulation has to happen. In chapter 20, he presents reasons he believe people can be saved in the tribulation and still have an opportunity to hear the gospel and receive salvation from Jesus.
In the next chapter, he describes the imminence of the return of the Lord Jesus. It could happen at any moment. He gives the passages in the Bible for the doctrine of imminence. In chapter 22, he asks why God delays. God lives in eternity outside of Time and space. His timing is different than ours. The author gives other reasons for why God has delayed so far.
In chapter 23, Dr. Jeremiah talks about being delivered before destruction. He describes those in the Bible who were delivered before god brought destruction and how the Church will be delivered before God’s judgment falls on the world.
The next chapter is entitled “Kept from the Hour.” He discusses the different tribulation views that are out there. He describes himself as a pre-tribulationist. He discusses the biggest promise of God that he will keep his people from that hour. Just because the Church will be rescued from that hour does not mean we will not endure trials and tribulations until then.
In chapter 25, the author describes the dead silence of not hearing about the Church in revelation from chapters 4 through 18 when God brains his wrath. In the next chapter, Dr. Jeremiah talks about rapture and return. He describes the differences in the Bible between how people teach about the rapture and the second coming.
In chapter 27, the author gives the signs of the second coming. He defines the Biblical reason for signs. In the next chapter, he describes what the second coming Will look like. In chapter 29, he talks about the military phrase,” shock and awe.” This chapter is all about the Battle of Armageddon.
The next chapter is all about the final invitation. It comes from the last chapter of Revelation and calls people to come to Jesus. He shows you the importance of this call. The final chapter of the book answers the question, “why study prophecy”? He gives reasons for why we can’t believe in Bible prophecy and we need to study it. This is a solid and will-researched book by David Jeremiah. It is the first book of his I have ever read. It will not be the last. If you’ve ever wondered about the rapture or and times events, this book is for you. He covers every topic attached to the rapture you could possibly think of. I really enjoyed reading this book, and I think you will too.