The Coming Golden Age

31 Ways to Be Kingdom Ready
David Jeremiah

The Common Golden Age by David Jeremiah

Dr. David Jeremiah is a solid researcher of God’s Word and presents matters of prophecy biblically. I enjoy his writing. It is clear and helps his readers to understand exactly what the Bible points to and is saying. I couldn’t wait to read this book about the millennial reign of Christ.

Jeremiah begins this book on the millennial reign of Christ by outlining the events that unfold in the end times and beyond. It is a simple outline that anyone can understand being that many of us get caught up in the details and forget to look at the forest.

He gives a description of what this millennial reign will look like. The author asks the reader to imagine that time and how glorious it will be. He further explains some of the Hallmark images and understandings of this millennial reign of Christ.

In chapter 3, Jeremiah contends that some people say the millennial reign only appears in one chapter of the Bible it actually appears throughout the Bible. He gives promises found throughout the Bible that pertain to the millennial reign.

The author further explains the millennial reign as God’s kingdom come down to earth. He gathers this from the Lord’s prayer that everyone around the world has been reign for centuries. It is promise that Jesus will indeed reign on the earth as lhe doesn’t heaven. We should pray this prayer often and understand what we are asking god to do.

He describes the millennial breign as a temporary lifting of the curse given in Genesis three. It will not completely be revoked until the end of Time in the new heavens and Newworth in the new Jerusalem. He also talks about Armageddon. He gives the where, what, and why for the battle of Armageddon.

Jeremiah describes Jerusalem and it’s roll in the millennial reign. He gives a brief history of the city and shows how it will be key to the millennial reign. He also scribes the new Jerusalem and how we should see Jerusalem as Christians today. He also describes how Jerusalem will be rearranged with the earthquake Jesus causes wind his feet touchdown on the Mount of Olives before the battle of Armageddon. I found this to be a fascinating chapter.

In chapter 9, the author describes Jesus as King. He describes the names of King Jesus. Only Jesus can fulfill all these names. They all describe an eternal King. He for the shows that King David will be a prince over Jerusalem in this millennial reign. I had never heard of this before, so this was an interesting chapter.

The author further expounds on the fact that there will be no devil in the millennial reign. He expound on the titles John gives the devil in revelation 20 and the place to which he will be bound for 1000 years. Jeremiah describes this time as being free from the devil and how great that will be.

Jeremiah describes what it will be like to rule with Christ during the millennium. Every saint has something to do in the millennial reign. Many of us will find ourselves as rulers with Him over the global community. In chapter 14 Jeremiah describes what old age will be like in Jesus ‘s Kingdom. He counts how in genesis people lived for hundreds of years and how God will restore longevity of physical life in the millennial breign. The Saints will never die, get sick, or have physical troubles.

The author gives the evidence of glory in the Bible and its meaning. We will experience god’s glory in the millennial reign as Jesus is with us on the Earth. He goes further to describe how justice will work. Right now we live in an unjust world, but when Jesus comes he will make sure that justice reigns over all the earth and everyone receives true justice.

Jeremiah says there will be no more war during the millennial reign of Christ. Our world is full of war. But Jesus will bring peace. What will that look like? The author talks about the wealth and prosperity Jesus will Bring in his kingdom. He says that we will be productive workers during this time.

Next is the health in the millennial reign. The Earth will be a healthy place to live. The millennial reign of Christ will also be a time of great joy. He says that everyone will be full of joy. in the millennial Kingdom, animals will be restored to the way God originally made them.

Jeremiah talks about Ezekiel’s Temple and how it is a vision of the temple that will exist in the millennial reign. He also describes how sacrifices Will resume at this temple during the millennial reign. At first, I did not understand why these things would be, but he explains very well why this will be.

In chapter 24, Jeremiah further describes what worship will be like during the relative reign. He presents a Beautiful picture of what worship will be like during this time. What about sin? He lays out why sin can happen and by whom. He has an interesting take on this topic and I have not heard it before but it is biblically solid like the rest of the book.

Since there will be sin in the millennial reign, it makes sense that there will also be salvation. Dr. Jeremiah describes how salvation will work then. The author helps you to understand as a reader the four verses of Revelation that explain Satan being released, the rebellion, and final war. He deals with the final judgment. He describes the possible books that will be opened at the Great White Throne judgment.

Chapter 29 describes the millennial reign as a bridge to eternity. Jeremiah reminds us that while the millennial reign will be an amazing time in history, it is not the final chapter. He explains his view of the new heaven and new earth.

Dr. Jeremiah ends the book by talking about being Kingdom ready. He explains how we can enjoy his some of the aspects of Jesus’s Kingdom now because it is already but not yet.

I enjoyed this solid Book of Bible teaching about the millennial reign of Christ. I did not realize so much in scripture was devoted to this moment in time. Dr. David Jeremiah has a gift for using stories and illustrations along with biblical evidence to expand the truth of God’s Word.

I highly recommend this Book on the millennial reign of Christ –becoming golden age between this history and eternity. If you are interested in and times events and what will happen at the end of time, this is definitely a book that will help you understand what the Bible says about this time. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in prophecy, the end times, and what will happen as the book of Revelation describes it.

Jonathan Srock

Rev. Jonathan Srock is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2010. He received two Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Languages and Pastoral Ministries, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Jonathan was privileged to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Shillington, PA for five years before suffering sudden paralysis in 2013. Jonathan has been a Christian since 1988.

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