December 7 | 2 Corinthians 9:7-8
“Each should give just as he has chosen in his heart, not reluctantly or out of obligation, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all
grace abound to you for the purpose that at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work,” (2 Corinthians 9:7–8)
When we think about gifts, some think about giving and others about getting. Parents want their children to grow out of this phase. Becoming more excited about giving than getting is a spiritual maturity barometer. Paul gives wise counsel about giving. Our attitude in giving is obvious to others. It starts with your decision to give the amount you feel in your heart. When I give, I decide first to give, and then the amount.
Weighing heavily on my decision is when I ask the Holy Spirit what He wants me to give. Several times I have been in a missions services and afraid to ask Him. I know He will tell me to give almost everything if not everything in my wallet. But I ask out of obedience.
When you settle the amount to give after speaking with the Lord, you should be filled with cheer. After all, even if God tells you to give more than you wanted, He will supply everything you need. Can you imagine what God would feel like if you are not a cheerful giver? You represent Jesus and His Kingdom. He wants you to not give begrudgingly. Don’t let anyone force you to give.
Action Step: Ask the Spirit what He wants you to give. Cheerfully place your giving in the palm of the Lord’s hand. Trust Him to provide.
Holy Spirit, I want to honor You as I give. How much shall I give? Thank You for the privilege of stewarding the resources You have entrusted to me.