Glory in the Highest
  • Post category:Daily Bread

December 22 | Luke 2:13-14  “Then suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace with people with whom He is pleased.” (Luke 2:13–14) It’s a cool night outside Bethlehem. You just put…

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Shepherds Meet Jesus

We’ve been going through the Christmas story as the events happened in the Gospels of Luke and Matthew. We just discussed Jesus’ extraordinary birth and all that took place in the fullness of time. But what happened right after Jesus was born? God the Father did some boasting over His…

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  • Post category:Reviews CB

What the Bible Really Says about the Heavenly HostMichael Heiser Heiser’s book on angels is a thorough and enlightening resource on the topic of these celestial servants of the Lord. Much of the background of the book he goes through leans on his other works of The Unseen Realm and…

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The Angel Raphael

Why is the archangel Raphael only mentioned in the Book of Enoch? The Bible introduces us to only two angels by name, Gabriel and Michael. Michael is mostly involved with Daniel (Daniel 10:11-21; 12:1). In Daniel 10 Angel comes to Daniel to explain to him why his prayers have not…

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Revelation 10:7

Image by Bernd Scheurer from Pixabay When is the fulfillment of Revelation 10:7 due in your opinion? There is a lot of mystery written into the tenth chapter of Revelation. It begins with an angel that comes down from heaven with a little scroll. But before John deals with that…

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You are Gods

Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay What does John 10:34 mean? In John 10:34, Jesus is talking to religious leaders of Israel. The Jews want to know if Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah. When he tells them he and the Father are one, they call him a blasphemer and…

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