So Much More to Do

I’ve been working hard on “Healed in the Name of Jesus.” There’s so much more to do for the book yet. But I have some good news on everything I’ve accomplished. I’m about to send an email to my beta readers who will get to see the book cover and read the book first. I’ve also received the book cover designs from my graphic designer on Fiverr. They look fantastic!

I haven’t been able to write a whole lot more than blog posts. And I’m barely keeping up with him. I’m trying to focus on getting this book published and do some marketing. I need to learn a lot about marketing. I don’t really know doing there. But, things are coming along with the book. I’m happy with the editing and book design.

By the way, if you write Christian nonfiction of any kind, you must consider Lois Olena as a book editor. She goes far beyond my line editing. With a solid background in theological learning, she even helps you with the theological side of your book. She does beyond your expectations and works with you every step of the way. When I wrote “Holiness Matters,” she helped me realize I needed to rewrite the book for a better reading experience for the reader.

She gave me a glowing review of this book. I promise you won’t be disappointed. I worked with someone on Fiverr for the first time and he has done a great job with my book covers. I am now considering an audiobook version of Healed in the Name of Jesus in my voice. I think it would lend to the credibility of the book if I did it myself. But that’s just one more thing I have to add to my list of many things to do.

I’m keeping busy these days, mostly with this book. I want to get ahead in blog post writing so I can concentrate on my end of year goals. Speaking of goal setting, I need to sit down and think about my goals for next year. I can think of at least six books I’d like to write soon. But I must learn how not to load myself up with too many projects at once. If anybody’s figured that out, give me a call. Since there’s so much for me to do right now, I will sign off and get to work. I hope you are having happy holidays this season. I’m looking forward to Christmas with my family. But I’ve got much to do before that. Until next Thursday, have a great week.

Jonathan Srock

Rev. Jonathan Srock is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2010. He received two Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Languages and Pastoral Ministries, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Jonathan was privileged to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Shillington, PA for five years before suffering sudden paralysis in 2013. Jonathan has been a Christian since 1988.

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