Small Victories

I was not as prolific in my writing this week as I would like to be. I suppose I should clarify that statement. I made advancements in preparation for my BIG series that will be starting in the new year. I think I put most of my writings into that project this week.

BIG (Bible Insights and Gems) is one of the new menu options available on my site beginning January 8. It will be on Mondays. I was going to move the Author News to a different day but I think I will keep it on the same day. I will also add reviews on Bible software, books on writing, and writing resources and software.

I’m excited about this new series that will come out every week on Monday. Basically, I let you look over my shoulder and into my thoughts as I go through a Bible text and passage. I let you know what is going through my mind as I study.

You get the benefit of seeing how I come up with some of the biblical thoughts I have and why I have them. Sometimes I get into the languages of the Bible or talk about how what we are looking at is just a fraction of what the Bible talks about in that subject or passage. You may disagree with what I put out there in the BIG series, but that’s not what it is for. It is simply to show you how I read Scripture and interpret it.

I think what will end up happening at least for now is that Wednesday’s will alternate reviews for books on writing and writing software/resources with reviews on Bible software/online Bible study tools. Stay tuned for what review comes out each week.

I have saved the best news of the week for last. Many of you are aware I have written a devotional book for the whole year plus extra devotions for holidays like the 40 days to the cross, Easter week, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, Pentecost week, and Thanksgiving week. I’m happy to report that I have finished editing the whole book!

I have decided to get it published as soon as possible so it will be available to anyone who purchases it in the new year. That way, you can start on page 1 on day one. It is my hope to accomplish this quickly, so it may take some of the oxygen from my other writing projects for about a week. I’ll let you know how that comes, and you will see and an announcement when it is about to be published.

That’s the biggest win of the week. But this has been a project that has taken over a year to develop. People will still be able to access the same devotions (mostly) each day on my website. The difference for purchasing the book is that you get those 70 or so extra devotions for holidays. As always, I have my workout out for me. Until next week, keep in touch!

Image by Shad0wfall from Pixabay

Jonathan Srock

Rev. Jonathan Srock is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2010. He received two Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Languages and Pastoral Ministries, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Jonathan was privileged to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Shillington, PA for five years before suffering sudden paralysis in 2013. Jonathan has been a Christian since 1988.

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