General References
- Speaking in Tongues: the Language and Practice of Glossolalia (Website Magazine Article)
- This is an interesting website that talks about speaking in tongues in a more scientific approach. Some of it is good, and a lot of it is interesting. This gives you an outside look at how other people talk about speaking in tongues.
- Seventy Reasons for Speaking in Tongues by Bill Hamon (Book)
- The author goes through the Bible and gives biblical reasons for why people should speak in tongues. The number 70 is slightly deceiving because each passage is at least one reason. It is not what I thought when I started reading it, that he actually has 70 reasons. But it is still a good walk-through of the Bible passages on speaking in tongues.
- The Beauty of Spiritual Language by Jack Hayford (Book)
- Jack Hayford produces the most comprehensive book I have seen on in tongues. He talks about everything from prophecy to speaking in tongues and how it should all work together in the believer’s life and in the Church.
- The Holy Spirit: A Pentecostal Perspective by Anthony D. Palmer
- This is the most scholarly of the books I have given for these subjects, but Dr. Palmer gives detailed explanations of how Pentecostals approach the subject of the Holy Spirit. Some of this information he gives is expertly communicated and easy to understand. This book is about the Holy Spirit in the Bible, not just about speaking in tongues. But he has discussions on that topic as well.
Week 1 History of Speaking in Tongues
- Indiana Bible College Paper on Speaking in Tongues in History (Website)
- They Spoke with Other Tongues by John Sherrill (Book)
- This is a book done by one of the writers of the Guideposts magazine. He approaches the baptism in the Spirit as an investigative reporter. There’s a lot about the Charismatic Movement and interviews with people who experienced the baptism in the Spirit.
- Gift of beauty Speaking in Tongues Project (Website)
- This website provides a background in the history of speaking in tongues throughout denominations. It also covers a lot of history in the Bible.
- What Christian Denominations Speak in Tongues? (Website Article)
- This website gives a list of Christian denominations that are open speaking in tongues and the baptism in the Spirit.
- What Christian Denominations Believe in Speaking in Tongues? (Website Article)
- Here’s another website that talks about the Christian denominations that believe in and practice speaking in tongues.
- Why Do Some Believe the Gift of Tongues Has Ceased? (Blue Letter Bible Article)
- This article gives one of the fullest explanations for why some people do not believe that speaking in tongues is a gift for today. It does not provide counterpoints to each of the arguments, however.
- Encyclopedia of Pentecostal History – History Proves Pentecostals to Be Heretics and False Teachers (Website)
- This is a very selective timeline that only points out the cults and false teachers of history that spoke in tongues. It does not provide a full history. It seems to be connected to the Ministry of John MacArthur.
- MacArthur is vehemently against Pentecostalism and speaking in tongues. He has written extensively and unChristianly on these topics. If you look at any of his work on these subjects, be prepared for his abrasive attitude.
- Holy Fire: A Balanced Biblical Look at the Holy Spirit’s Work in Our Lives by R. T. Kendall (Book)
- Although Kendall is a Reformed theologian, he believes in what the Bible says about speaking in tongues and supports Pentecostal and charismatic theology and practice in this point. In chapters 8-9, he provides a defense against Cessationism.
- You can read an advanced review that hasn’t been published on my website about this book here. It won’t be out until November 3.
Weeks 2-3 Baptism in the Spirit
- Be aware that if you search for the baptism in the Spirit online you will see a lot of different ways of answering this question describing the baptism. There’s a lot of confusing answers. Answers will arrange from it is part of the salvation experience to people who say it is different for every person.
- Baptism in the Holy Spirit Assemblies of God Position Paper (Website)
- What Is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Andrew Womack (Video)
- Andrew Womack does not go into a lot of detail about the specifics of the baptism in the Spirit, but he does talk about the impact of this experience.
- John Paper Answers the Question about Baptism with the Holy Spirit (Video)
- John paper is not a costal but he does give a detailed answer to a question about the baptism in the Spirit. He talks a lot about the differences between Paul’s use and Luke’s use of the terminology, and the only place I disagree with him is that I say it is the first time you are filled. You will continue to have other fillings of the Holy Spirit.
- Living in the Spirit by George O. Wood (Book)
- This is a book about many aspects of the Holy Spirit’s work in the believer. He has chapters devoted to the baptism in the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, and speaking in tongues in general.
- Gateway to a Supernatural Life by Jeff Leake (Book)
- This is a good introduction to how spiritual gifts and speaking in tongues after the baptism in the Spirit benefit the believer.
- The Holy Spirit & You by Dennis and Rita Bennett (Book)
- This book describes practical steps on how to receive the baptism in the Spirit and even goes into the spiritual gifts.
- The Baptism with the Holy Spirit by R. A. Torry (Book)
- This is an older book, but it is still very useful. I think that the author does a good job of answering questions and clarifying the necessity importance of being baptized in the Spirit.
- The Beginner’s Guide to Receiving the Holy Spirit by Quinn Sherrer and Ruthanne Garlock
- This is a simple guide on how to receive the Holy Spirit and answers many common questions about the baptism and reception of the Spirit.
- Systematic Theology by Stanley Horton, Chapter 13
- Foundations of Pentecostal Theology Chapter 6 Part IV
Week 4 Your Prayer Language
- Personal Prayer Language (My Website)
- Living in the Spirit by George O. Wood (Book) Chapter 4 The Spirit and Speaking in Tongues – Tongues and the Believer
Week 5 Speaking in Tongues and Prophecy
- Biblical Prophecy (My Website)
- Deserting Prophetic Detail (My Website)
- Desiring the Greater Gifts (My Website)
- Prophetic Words (My Website)
- True Prophecy (My Website)
- The Spirituals (1 Corinthians 12) Part 1 | Part 2 (My Website)
- The Foundation (1 Corinthians 13) (My Website)
- The Greater Gifts (1 Corinthians 14) Part 1 | Part 2 (My Website)
The Beauty of Spiritual Language (Book) Chapter 7
Weeks 6-7 Gift of Speaking in Tongues
- Living in the Spirit by George O. Wood (Book) Chapter 6
- This is a book about many aspects of the Holy Spirit’s work in the believer. He has chapters devoted to the baptism in the Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, and speaking in tongues in general.
- Language of Speaking in Tongues (My Website)
- Gift of Interpretation (My Website)
- The Gifts and Ministries of the Holy Spirit by Lester Summrall
- The Gifts of the Spirit by Harold Horton (Book)
- Spiritual Gifts and Their Operation by Howard Carter (Book)
- 19 Gifts of the Spirit by Leslie R. Flynn (Book)
- Spiritual Gifts Assessments
- Lifeway Spiritual Gifts Assessment Tool: Discover Your God-Given Spiritual Gifts (Free Website)
- Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Survey (Free Website)
- Discipleship Ministries Spiritual Gifts Inventory (Free Website)
- C Peter Wagner’s Assessment
- Finding Your Spiritual Gifts (Questionnaire) (Book)
- Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church Grow (Directory and Explanation of Spiritual Gifts (Book)
Week 8 Is Speaking in Tongues for Today and Q&A
- Necessity of Speaking in Tongues (My Website)
- Seventy Reasons for Speaking in Tongues by Bill Hamon (Book