2024 Sermons
Look at Jesus and Live!
August 25 | State College Access Kids
Jesus talked about being born again with Nicodemus. Nicodemus did not understand that Jesus had to be lifted up like the snake in the wilderness so that when we woke at Him, we can be saved from our sins.
Kids Q&A after the Sermon
After I preached this message about "Look at Jesus and Live," the kids wanted to ask me questions. Sometimes they ask questions about what is in the Bible but this time, they wanted to ask me about m experience with transverse myelitis and being a quadriplegic and being paralyzed from the neck down. I'm always amazed at the kinds of questions kids ask. You will get to know me pretty well with the answers to these great to these
Barriers to Christian Fellowship
August 11 | Harvest Community Church, Jupiter FL
Fellowship is essential to every Christian and every church. We look at two barriers to Christian Fellowship and how they detract from the work of the Holy Spirit in our common experience and shared values. I give a solution to each barrier and four marks of fellowship that should be happening in us and around us.