2021 Sermons

All About the End

December 5 | Access Kids

In this sermon we looked at the events of the end times in order. Although we cannot predict when these events will start Scripture has given us these events and their order.

My Bread of Life

September 19 | Access Kids

Jesus is the Bread of Life. He is our Source of physical and spiritual needs. We need Him more than anything's in this world.

Growing in Holiness

August 8 | Harvest Community Church, Jupiter FL

Join me in exploring the three facets of holiness. God calls us to be separate from the world, pure before Him, and to reject worldliness.

Breaking Down Barriers

July 18 | State, College Access Church

Even though we don't want to talk about the subjects and how to displease the Holy Spirit, we need to know as Christians how to break down the barriers we may put up between us and Him. We must avoid grieving the Spirit, quenching the Spirit, and the blast of the Holy Spirit.

Study God's Word

April 25 | Access Kids

How do we study God's Word? What steps do we take to make sure we are learning from what God has said to us? I walk through how I study the Bible with Access Kids.

Jesus in Our Midst

February 6 | State College Access Church

On the island of Patmos John receives a vision of the glorified Jesus. But what does it mean? All the symbols of Jesus' appearance have deep meaning for the seven churches and for us today.