November 9 | Colossians 2:6-7
“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” (Colossians 2:6–7, ESV)
I’ve watched my parents work so well together over the years. But this isn’t something that just happens. Every marriage takes work. And you rarely see the work couples do to live together without wanting to kill each other. But there is a peace that builds between couples who figure it out.
As you walk with Jesus and grow in Him you become rooted, established like the deep roots of a great oak tree in your faith. Your feet are firmly fixed on Jesus your Rock. He builds you up like a mighty building that cannot be moved.
I have had the privilege of many great teachers in the faith, stout and strong men and women of God who have passed the doctrines and understanding of our faith on to me. They helped me to appreciate my faith and grow in what Jesus has done for me.
I hope you have had the same. I hope you are being rooted, established, and being built up in your faith. And when that happens, your best response can only be thanksgiving and gratitude for what Jesus has done for you. May you never cease to praise Jesus for His indescribable work in you.
Action Step: Thank the Lord for the indescribable gift of His work in you. Praise Him with new words in ways you never have before. Make it your priority to grow deeper, higher, and wider in Jesus.
Jesus, I bow at Your feet in humble and ceaseless praise. You have done so many great things in me. I am so grateful for how You saved me, heal me, and change the to be like You. Don’t stop making me rooted, established, and built up in You.