One benefit of being part of a group of writers is that I get two pages of my manuscript evaluated by one of the writing coaches. I put in one of my chapters, at least the starter of it, to be evaluated. I am so thankful for these writing coaches because they take time to look at what we submit and give us great pointers and helps.
I thought my writing is getting better just by looking at the review the writing coach gives me for each of my pieces of writing. He made note of it on this submission. He gave me helpful suggestions on how to make it even stronger but told me he thought it was already quite strong.
It feels good to hear somebody say that, but even better that I feel like my writing is getting stronger. He also said when really nice thing about this project he has been catching glimpses of in my submissions.
He told me he thought my book for the meditations on the Lord’s Supper is a very unique project. Just to think that a little while ago I had no idea how I was going to do this new book or what the audience would be. A lot of this confirmed what I already thought the direction I was already headed in.
It’s always nice to get someone else’s opinion on your writing. It’s even better when I don’t have a lot to say about it other than it was good. We all need encouragement when we are in the middle of something. We can always see the forest for the trees we focus on in our writing. I’m glad I have some excellent writing coaches that give me encouragement and make me want to jump into the next part of the writing, seeing there is a worthwhile investment of my time in writing.