So, if you’ve been following my Author News for a while, you have seen some of the big projects I want to do. You’ll also see me push back some deadlines for my devotional. Sadly, I’m about to tell you I’m doing it again.
I now hope to my devotional by the end of August. I am hoping it will be sooner, but the progress has been slowed down due to other projects that have taken precedence. For those of you who follow my preaching and teaching ministry, I will be preaching at least once more this year at my mentor’s church, Harvest Community Church in Jupiter Florida on August 6. I can’t wait to preach this message entitled “Eyes of Faith.”
I am also preparing the outlines and teaching for my upcoming life group on Speaking in Tongues. It will literally be an exhaustive study. It will be available on my website like my other life groups. I am very excited to do this life group. While I have finished my sermon for August 6, I am just beginning after making an exhaustive outline for speaking in tongues to flesh out the outline into teaching. I have until September 3 to get the ball rolling on that project.
I am walking through a study on the identity of the believer with a friend of mine, and of course I am preparing the session based on my research for that. And I so want to start writing in my new book on the Meditations on the Lord’s Supper. The writing group by am a part of has a writer’s retreat on Friday. I am determined to start writing in that book Friday.
Of course, there’s the continued project of writing my blog posts for Divine Discourse, keeping you up-to-date in my Author News posts, and keeping up with the Daily Devos. You can see all the wheels turning in the background of daily life for me. So, I am learning to not get discouraged about moving deadlines back. All the things I want to do with my website I am trying to get rolling as well. With all of this going on, and some deadlines I cannot change and must prepare for, that is why the devotional is delayed from publishing. I am almost done with July and hoping to head into August on my editing. This is the biggest book project I have ever taken on, it is at least three years in the making. I have realized with perspective that the project is so big it will take time to finish. I like to rush things, but that’s not how things work. Speaking of work, it’s time to get back to it. The Lord bless you as you get your work done also.
Image by Gino Crescoli from Pixabay