Present Your Requests

Day 6: Prayer Focus: Prayer Partner’s Prayer Requests | Philippians 4:6-7

““Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6–7)

Today is a special privilege. You get to pray for your prayer partner, to lift that person up in prayer before your Lord. We suffer many needs and struggles in this world. How great it is for a person who shares the same values, desires, and faith to lift us up in prayer. This is not happenstance. This was a moment ordained by God, for you and your prayer partner to share experiences before the Lord.

The storms rage around us. We must live in a sinful and wicked world currently rolled by the enemy. Christians suffer persecution around the world, and at home in this community. This is the only place they see the light instead of the darkness. But we often let the storms of our lives become insurmountable mountains.

So, this is a precious moment. If you are going through a storm, crawling up a mountain, or languishing in the Valley of despair, Jesus calls you to ask for prayer. No request is too big. No request is too small. If it concerns you, it concerns Jesus. He doesn’t want you to live in such adversity.

When you feel anxiety, push it into the arms of Jesus. Take your needs to Him. He is the Calm of the storm, the God who is bigger than your mountain. Talk to your mountain and tell it who your God is. Let God’s peace from the storm rest in you. May you be the harbor for other people from the storm, and let them see Jesus in you.

When you feel the pressure and anxiety from this world, and you give it to Jesus, He gives you His piece. In the middle of the storm, people will wonder why you do not have anxiety. Instead, God’s unexplainable peace is yours. His peace guards your mind and heart from turning to anxiety your adversity. It’s the best deal. You give Jesus your anxieties and He gives you peace that guards against anxious thoughts.

Prayer Points

  • Take the needs and requests of your prayer partner and intercede for them.
  • Agree in prayer with your prayer partner for God’s promises and blessings to flow in their life
  • Allow the Holy Spirit to minister through you in words and His presence flowing through you
  • Be a harbor in the storm of God’s peace and adversity for your prayer partner

Jonathan Srock

Rev. Jonathan Srock is an ordained minister with the Assemblies of God since 2010. He received two Bachelor’s degrees in Biblical Languages and Pastoral Ministries, as well as a Masters of Divinity from Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Jonathan was privileged to be the Lead Pastor of New Life Assembly in Shillington, PA for five years before suffering sudden paralysis in 2013. Jonathan has been a Christian since 1988.

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