I haven’t written anything in many books for a while, about a week and a half. My excuse is that I have been preparing for my life group heavily. We have been studying problems in the month of September. It takes a lot to prepare the notes for these weeks.
Most of Proverbs is a two line that the next verse could have a completely different subject for. Because of the amount of time it takes me to prepare for life groups, I am pausing my writing projects – at least the books.
I will keep writing for my website. You can still expect to receive reviews, the BIG cities, and the Divine Discourse blogs on healing in the Bible. And I will keep writing my Author News and emails to people. I have even missed a couple of weeks of Author News posts because of the amount of time it has taken me to work on these life group notes and other smaller projects.
I apologize for not being able to keep up with everything, but the only thing you’ll notice is a different that I will not be talking about my books for another couple weeks. My life group takes a break in October and then starts back up for the four weeks of November. But I will be working on my life group notes through October.
All this to say that I hope writing my books again aspage at most 33 top.when he soon as the beginning or middle of October. I am still doing a lot of writing. It is just not in my book at the moment. I really do need to get lighting in this book and another clock because I would like to publish them early next year. That’s the only update I have for you at this point. I will keep my nose to the grind stone and hopefully things will go the way I want them to pretty soon. Until next time, may God continue to bless you!