January 7 | 2 Kings 6:17-18
“Then Elisha prayed and said, “Lord, please open His eyes that He may see.” So the Lord opened the young man’s eyes and He saw, and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire surrounding Elisha. And when they went down against Him, Elisha prayed to the Lord and said, “Please strike this people with blindness.” So He struck them with blindness according to Elisha’s word.” (2 Kings 6:17-18)
Have you ever been in a battle? No matter where you start, it’s hard to get the upper hand. In a fight with your children, fighting for your job in a sluggish economy, and many other battles face you throughout the year.
Jesus commissioned you to fight spiritual battles. If you’re not prepared, you can be overwhelmed. Elisha lived in the middle of the battle between Israel and the Syrians. He told Israel’s king where the Syrians would be.
In response, the Syrians sent a large army to get rid of Him. His servant could only see in the natural. He saw defeat in front of them. But Elisha asked God to open His eyes to see the supernatural army in their defense.
The Syrians were no match for God’s angelic army. In spiritual battles, arm yourself with the Armor of God and the knowledge that you are not alone. God has come to your aid, and evil forces of darkness are no match for Him.
Action Step: Arm yourself with the full Armor of God. Be prepared in prayer and your knowledge of God’s Word to face wickedness in this world. Stand firm in the authority and power of Christ.
Lord Jesus, prepare me for battle, my hands for war in the spiritual realm. Thank You for Your authority and power to defeat the forces of darkness in this world. Help me protect myself, my family, and my world in the spiritual realm.