January 3 | Philippians 3:12-14
“For it’s not now that I received this or that I have been made perfect now, but I strive after it that I might acquire it, that which was acquired by Christ. Brothers and sisters, I don’t consider that I myself have acquired it, but one thing: on the one hand, I am forgetting what is behind, and on the other hand, straining toward what is ahead, I strive after the goal, the prize of God’s upward call in Christ Jesus.”
(Philippians 3:12–14)
Paul had religious zeal like none other. And yet His zeal was misplaced. He played on the wrong team. But once He meets Jesus on the road to Damascus, His life and values changed forever.
Jesus deeply changes every Christian when we meet Him. That change works its way into reality by the Holy Spirit’s guidance. He changes our character to become like Him. Paul would settle for nothing less than a life-changing encounter with God every day.
He set this high goal and aimed to achieve it. And it was infectious. Everyone around Him wanted to know this Jesus He always talked about.
Paul had a bad past, but He focused on the future. He ran toward the next encounter with God. His lofty goals weren’t about Him, but working for God. God calls every Christian to do something great for Him. Find out what it is for you and do it with your whole being.
Action Step: Do you know what God has called you to do? If so, put everything you have into achieving that goal for God’s kingdom. Do it out of love. If not, seek the Lord for His you His mission for you until He returns.
Jesus, thank You for giving me a mission to accomplish for You. I want to do it with everything in me. Show me the open doors and I will walk through them. As Isaiah said, “Here I am. Send me.”