Your Guide to Finishing Your Book and Finally Becoming an Author
Jordan Ring
Jordan Ring writes a book pacifically for nonfiction authors and writers that strikes a positive tone while being honest about the journey of writing a book. I really enjoyed reading his book and got a lot of actionable steps I could take as a nonfiction writer. He organizes the book into five phases that describe each part of the writing process
He begins by telling the reader that nonfiction books can save the world. The problem is that there are a lot of badly written and executed nonfiction books. He is on a mission to change that. Phase I is all about starting your book. He begins with talking about the things that keep you from starting your book. It’s a very encouraging chapter to the lonely writer who is afraid to write the book in his heart.
Next, Ring addresses synthesizing your book idea. Describes the process of taking your book idea and making it uniquely you. Next, he talks about how to compose an outline that will literally write the book for you. Having notes about your topic is not enough. It keeps you from staring at a blank page every day. He gives you a 13-step checklist to write a great outline. This was a very helpful chapter in the book. It takes you from in action to action.
Phase II of the book gives you instructions and helps on how to draft your book. He discusses AI and what it can and can’t do for the writer. He also discusses the “why” of your book and how to write with heart. He gives tips on how to make your first book great. I think this is very helpful advice. Ring also gives you a heads up about marketing your book. He is honest and straightforward, and I love that.
Phase III is about enhancing your book. He gives mine self-editing hacks that help you with your being discreet before you send it to a professional editor. Ring also talks about being coachable, how to get feedback and process it. This was one of the best chapters in the book. Jordan also describes the professional editing process and why you absolutely need to have an editor go over your book. He also explains when is good good enough, a masterful chapter for all of us perfectionist writers and authors. He shows you how to move on to marketing the book.
Phase IV is about giving your book and talks about the publishing process. Jordan is convinced that for most authors he works with, self-publishing is the best track. He gives reasons for this gives the most helpful tips in the book on how to navigate that process. I was especially excited to read a self-publishing and marketing approach from about six months out from your book launch.
The last phase of the book is entitled, “The Aftermath” and discusses what happens after you have written and published your book. He describes with great encouragement for every author what writing a book accomplishes for you. Some of his points are geared toward business nonfiction. He reminds you of what you have learned in each chapter and includes some awesome bonuses at the end.
I like how Jordan Rain has actionable steps at the end of most of his chapters. These take you from reading a book about writing a book to actually writing the book. The bonuses at the end of the book are worth getting the whole book. He really delivers a stellar book with awesome resources and bonuses.
I recommend this book to anyone who is writing nonfiction book and needs guidance along the way. Whether it is your first book or subsequent books, you will greatly benefit from Jordan’s book. Don’t go it alone. Get Jordan’s help along the way.