It’s a brand-new year and I have a new book project to start this year. Before I get to that, I want to update you on my accomplishments for my book on Meditations on the Lord’s Supper. So far this year, I have written for chapters in my book.
The book will soon come toward the close, which makes me enthusiastic about actually getting that manuscript done. I would like to complete the manuscript by the beginning of February. I still have to add a lot teach chapter, so that will happen in February along with my self edit.
If I can accomplish all that by the end of February, I will seek out my professional editor and have her edit the book for me. If all goes well, this book will be ready for publication at the beginning of April. I know that is a lofty goal, every part of it, but I want to do it by that so I can have it ready for ministers at my cat ministrieSummit the first week of May.
But I bet you really want me to talk about the book everyone chose in my survey last month. The next book I will be taking on, probably be getting the writing in April or May is True Christian Authority: What the Bible Really Says about the Believer’s Authority.
I leave you with my working table of contents (a very rough working table of contents) let me know what you think by commenting below!
Introduction: Why a Book about the Authority of the Believer?
Is It Necessary?
Access to Books and Teaching on Authority
Are There Good Resources on Authority?
Why I Am Writing on Authority of the Believer
Chapter 1: What Is the Authority of the Believer?
What the Bible Says about Authority (Word study on authority in the Bible)
Authority As a Christ Follower
Authority from Christ in Relationship
Conditions to Authority
Realms of Authority
Chapter 2: Today’s Teaching on Christian Authority
The Good
The Bad
Mixing Powers (Eastern Religions and the Body)
Going beyond Scripture
Claiming Power and Authority
Weird Claims
Calling Out Heresy and False Teaching
Chapter 3: Authority in the Old Testament
The Image of God
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
The Serpent and Adam and Eve
Confined the Earth
The Deed to the Earth
The Prophet’s Authority
The Priest’s Authority
The King’s Authority
The Perfect Prophet, Priest, and King
Chapter 4: The Authority of Christ
On Earth As It Is in Heaven
Inaugurating God’s Kingdom
The Power of the Kingdom (Powers of Christ on Earth, The Earth Shakes during the Church’s Prayer in Acts)
Jesus’s Power on the Cross
All Authority Is Given to Me
Far above All Rule and Authority
Head of His Body
Chapter 5: The Authority of the Name
My Name Is There
Name Theology
The Two Yahwehs
The Angel of the Lord
Jesus Is Yahweh
Ask Anything in My Name
The Name above All Names
Chapter 6: The Authority of God’s Word
Scripture and the Bible
Why We Call It God’s Word
Why It Has Authority
It Will Never Pass Away
It Never Misses
It Never Fails
It Is the Sword of the Spirit
Chapter 7: The Authority Jesus Gives You
Authority to Proclaim the Gospel
Authority over Sickness
Authority over Demons
Keys of the Kingdom
Binding and Loosing
Chapter 8: Authority over Satan and His Demons
Authority of Evil Spiritual Powers (Authority of darkness (Colossians 1:12-14; Ephesians, other passages?)
Is there a hierarchy of evil spiritual powers? Ephesians and others?
Satan’s Names
Satan’s Jobs
Satan’s New Home (Include roaming the earth [Job 1-2] and the Prince the Power of the Air)
Satan or Demons (Is Satan persecuting you or demons?)
What is Satan’s authority on earth?
Satan’s Demons and Unclean Spirits (What demons do in Scripture, demonic powers, Fallen Angels of Genesis 6 and their punishment)
(Afraid of the Abyss [Jesus sends them into pigs])
(They know who Jesus is)
(They can come back)
(They believe God is one and shatter [James 2])
What is the “spirit of…” In the Bible?
Is there different authority for demons?
Chapter 9: Your Authority in Spiritual Warfare
Authority in Prayer
Authority to Cast Out Demons
Authority to Rebuke the Enemy
Authority over Satan
What about Angelic Wars?
What about Territorial Spirits? (Borders of the nations according to the sons of God in Deuteronomy)
The War in Heaven
What about Generational Curses?
Chapter 10: What I Can and Can’t Do with my Authority
What I Can Do
Authority to Proclaim the Gospel
Authority over Sickness
Authority over Demons
Authority in Prayer (especially for unsaved)
Authority in Spiritual Warfare
What I Can’t Do
Getting Involved in Angelic Wars and Disputes
Territorial Spirits
Life Situations/Trials
Remember What Christ Conquered on the Cross
Chapter 11: Warnings and Dangers about Christian Authority
Where the Authority Teachers Get It Wrong
Going Too Far (Going Beyond Scripture)
Logical Fallacies of Biblical Authority
Seven Sons of Sceva
Talking to demons while casting them out
Afterword: What’s Your Focus?
Focused on the Wrong Battle
Focused on Winning What’s Already Won
Focused on Spiritual Warfare
Focused on the Kingdom of God
Focused on What’s in Front of You
Focused on the Mission
Walking in Victory Every Day
Appendix 1: Reviews of Books on the Authority of the Believer
Appendix 2: Other Possible Helps?Appendix 3: Topic and Scripture Index
Image by Dariusz Sankowski from Pixabay