I’ve been talking about my yearly devotional, God’s Daily Bread for Your Life, that’s coming out this week or next week. Well, my devotional is available, sort of. If you are one of my Facebook friends or subscribed to Author Jonathan Srock, my Facebook page, you would have already seen the cover design. It looks fantastic!
There’s only one problem. I mixed up the formatting I sent to my graphic designer and the cover is actually backward. So, he is working with me right now to get that fixed so I can publish the paperback and hardcover. That’s the bad news why they most likely won’t be available this week.
However, there’s good news for you. As of this writing, the ebook in its various markets from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Apple Box, and a host of other great places you can buy ebooks have it ready for you to view and buy right now! And the kicker: it’s only $1.99 until Friday, January 5. After that date, it will go up to $9.99. You’re the first to know because you read my Author News.
Because I am publishing it this week and have rounded to these problems, I haven’t gotten much writing done elsewhere. But that’s okay. This is my priority for the week anyway. I will let you know when the paperback and hardcover versions are ready. They are coming soon, I hope.
The other big thing is what I have been kicking around for weeks and have firmed up as the schedule for new content on my website beginning January 1. That’s right! New things are coming that Monday, the first of the New Year. I know. You will probably be in a food coma from celebrating, but if you want to take a look at what’s new, that’s when you will see new things on my menu.
They will be there January 2 too. Don’t worry. You won’t miss anything. My introduction to BIG (Bible Insights and Gems) will be available to read. It will give you a heads up on the first volume and issue on January 8 focusing on God, Creation, and the Fall in Genesis 1-3. By the way, if you want to study a passage, Bible theme, biblical book, are anything Bible-based, you can always let me know in the comments or reach out to me via social media or email. I will be looking for new ideas all the time.
Here’s the schedule for release of new content on the website in 2024:
- Mondays – new issues of BIG
- Tuesdays – new blog posts (starting with Healed in the Name of Jesus, where we will examine everything having to do with healing in the Bible)
- First and Third Wednesdays – Bible software and online Bible study tools reviews
- Second and Fourth Wednesdays – Reviews for Books on Writing and Software for Writers
- Thursdays – Author News updates
- Fridays – reviews on Christian books
Of course, this is going to keep me very busy. Aside from everything I am doing on the website, I will be taking a couple of courses throughout the year, writing books (of course), leading life groups, preaching, and doing whatever else God puts before me to do. So much for trying to cut back and focus on a few small things this coming year.
I know you will help me to be productive and serve you as part of my audience. That is the reason for all this activity. There is one more Author News update next week on Thursday. But there’ll also be an Author News announcement when the whole of my book is available. That will happen hopefully before next Thursday. Until then, I’ll see you around my website!