I wanted to check in even though I haven’t managed a whole lot of writing this week. I have actually been involved in another writing summit. It’s mostly for fiction writing, but I have gotten a lot out of it and have a few ideas on the shelf for some fiction pieces in the future.
I’m not ready to talk about them today, but there are a couple in the works, at least I’m thinking about them. Because of this summit, I have not gotten a lot of anything done. I was late on my BIG issues this week. It took me until Wednesday to roll it out.
Those of the minor scheduling changes to the website. But there is a major One. I have been reviewing Online Bible Study Tools and websites, and also Bible Software. However, I have reviewed so many that I am (at least for the time being) unable to find more to do reviews for. So, you will no longer see new reviews for Bible study tool websites or Bible software.
I am toying with the idea of changing those Wednesdays into more reviews for writing software and books on writing. At the moment, though, I think I will leave them open to give myself a break. Perhaps at the end of November or in the new year I will reassess this possibility.
And I have not kept up with my writing group or what should be another review of a Christian book on Friday. As such, you will see on my welcome page that I have moved it to two Fridays from this week and moved my whole Christian book reviewing schedule down every two Fridays.
I really need to get preparation for my life group, which begins again November 3, into gear and finished. But I will try not to delay anything on the website from being compared. I keep reminding myself that life happens and it especially happens to us Type A personalities.
I try to keep this as one of the accountability steps I take in my writing, but every once in a while, it just reminds me what I did not get done that I should have. I think I beat myself up too much about these things. Perhaps I will be able to get back on track next week. Thanks for your understanding and God bless you until the next Author News.