There are only two days left in 2024! Can you believe it? This year seems to have flown by so fast. I’m working on preparing my goals, especially writing goals, for 2025. A while back, I asked people to fill out a survey of what book they would like to read next item my book ideas.
In the new year, as soon as I have firmed up a table of contents and the kinds of things I will discuss in the book, I will tell you what my next book project will be and what it will be about, as well as much of the contents of the book.
I wanted to let you know that before the new year, you still can get my daily devotional, God’s Daily Bread for Your Life FREE on Amazon for Kindle. You have until tomorrow night to get your copy of the book. If you get a copy, I know it will take a long time to read, but could you leave a review on Amazon of that book? I really appreciate it.
I also want you know that I really appreciate you for supporting my writing, visiting my website, reading my books, reading my blog posts, and all the other ways you have supported me this year. In the new year, I hope to continue to bless you with my writing and thoughts.
May you have a happy new year, one in which the Lord blesses you beyond your imagination. And may I continue to bless you with my contributions. See you in the next Author News, which will be next year!